Thursday, February 25, 2010

Something interesting...

There was a time when tech-savvy people competed for the slimmest, lightest and most compact digital camera.

Now the trend has reversed; many are going after larger-than-life DSLR with add-ons like lenses, filters, flash and batteries. Haha.

Monday, February 22, 2010

on past and future purchases

This post was edited on 27th Feb.


For a reason or another, day by day I realise many of my personal belongings are breaking down and degrading, that I have to replace them (or soon).

For example:
1) Formal shoes
2) Black socks
3) Soccer boots
4) Hero condom
5) BATA briefcase

Both shoes mentioned above have started to mutter and stutter. Good news = For the 1st item I have already bought a new pair and am loving it! =D I was recommended to invest in a good pair like Pedro, but it was over my budget... my previous pair was if I didn't recall wrongly $60 from some corner shop in Pearl Centre and it lasted me 2 years! It had accompanied me through all my interviews, presentations, graduation, Michael Jackson moonwalks, even 58 MRT stations... Haha. Anyway I dropped by Isetan that day and two pairs caught my attention right away so I asked to try on them. Actually both looked quite similar and the patient salesman had to wait some 30 mins for me to catwalk around the department, asked a few others for opinion (I received mixed responses), pace up and down in the mirror, staring at both shoes before I finally made up my mind. HAHA. It was really a tough decision you know - one was a tad prettier but the other was a tad more comfortable. Anyway if you had been squinting your eyes for quite some time now just to know what brand my new shoes are, haha ok you get your deserved answer. Black Hammer for $89.

Good old shoes.

As for my black socks, well you know I wear them for work 5 days a week, and the pairs which are pretty thin have already got an ozone hole at the toe area, though I don't even walk around much!


At the same time, I have also been itching for new purchases...
+ Classier wallet to match my status and class (just kidding)
+ Belt
+ Underwear (not literally itching)
+ Working pants
+ Casual Sneakers
+ Wallet
+ Digital Photo Frame
+ Stocks. Ya. Feel like frying them.

HMMMMMMMMMMMM. Looks like I will clock up larger-than-life bills over the next few months. I hope wish I get a pay raise soon wakakakakakaka.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Very long weekend comes to an end...

Due to the long CNY holidays, this week all of us returned to our normal lives only on Wednesday.

Still in the CNY mood, there is no better way to start off the first day with a fun day of activities!

The batch of us MTs had planned and organised this year's annual LNY MC Walkabout cum Lunch. It was great that everything went smoothly as accordingly and the event was a huge success! =)

Albeit there are the occasional grumbles, frustration and impatience, however for all the vibrancy, friendship and camaraderie, I love my job. :)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

It's like a train journey.

Once you have hopped onto it, you just work hard towards the destination. Along the way, there are bound to be bumps and jerks and slopes. But the scenery could be beautiful. The ride is most of the time very comfortable. Ha, after a while you begin to realise, when are you gonna reach your destination? You look out of the window, the train is chugging faithfully, and it is still a long winding railway track leading beyond the horizon. So you wait, patiently.

You just need to keep your foot on the pedal. Stopping now won't bring you anywhere! :)

Saturday, February 13, 2010



Meanwhile, if you're bored...

Friday, February 05, 2010


Don't know if you know already, but do you know what are the jokes that ppl make of the below acronyms of organizations/company names?

- PAP (you should know...)

Haha, yes, my suitcase is going to be BATA real soon. =\

Wednesday, February 03, 2010


Anyone who is in touch with American music would definitely know Clay Aiken - Runner up of American Idol Season 2.

Very clean cut, boyish look, guy next door, even nicknamed "nerd", I was damn surprised when I realised the lyrics for one of his songs:

If I was invisible
Then I could just watch you in your room
If I was invincible
I'd make you mine tonight

HAHA. Sounds wrong! It seems more funny because it came from him.

Now... if you had the ability to become invisible... how would you apply your powers? Solve crimes? Nab baddies?

Tuesday, February 02, 2010


Come Friday...

The familiarity of the smell, sight, taste, touch and sound, will all be flooding welcomely back to my senses.

Can't wait can't wait! =)

random pic

Monday, February 01, 2010


I am innately not a foul-mouthed nor bad-blooded person, but I seriously think these few persons below should just eat shit and die.


Ok, metaphorically speaking.

Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...