My calf muscles have never felt so taut before; my legs have never ached so much I have problems getting up from the toilet bowl - but you know what they tell me?
That I am very much alive. And I am really grateful and thankful for being able-bodied, that allows me to lead a normal, healthy lifestyle.
An unforgettable experience that was made possible with "If not now then when?"
Damn right - if you don't do it whilst young, are you gonna do it when you're old and ur muscles deteriorated and your cartilages loose? We passed by an elderly couple at about 7.5 km and I asked the old man if he was alright. He replied, "No." This poor man was fervently catching his breath while he shuffled his feet cm by cm, inching towards the top. But I knew he wanted to accomplish what he had come here for.
A total of 8 km up and 8 km down that took us 9 hours up and 6 hours down, but a major milestone and a lifetime worth of memories it accompanied. Everyone was elated they made it all the way to the top and enjoyed this experience totally. Thank heavens the weather was gorgeous on both days!
I must say the 2 best inventions I discovered on this trip are:
1) Kampung adidas (local rubber shoes which the best grip you can ever find and at only 10 RM)
2) Walking stick - couldn't have survived w/o it
Climbing Mt. Kinabalu was no mean feat and very physically challenging - however the more difficult part was conquering it together in a group of like-minded 8. So proud of u guys! =D
"Couldn't have survived the climb without all the crap."
I still quite can't believe it's over already. The trip was confirmed in March and the climb took all but 2 days. It was kinda surreal experience. What made me happy was that the Klimbers all didn't regret doing it too and enjoyed the experience. To be frank, I was abit worried they'd find this trip not worth the $700. Steph thanked me for organising :) I'm glad this DIY trip went smoothly without cock ups, from air ticket to hotels to mountaining package to food and lodging. In fact, they are so excited over the excellent food at Kinabalu (esp the 生肉面) I believe they are serious when they say they'd fly back just to taste the top 43 food ahahaha.
Though after the trip, most commented they would not climb again, Feng and I are still quite enthusiastic about it. I would wanna explore Himalayas (heard its awesome)! Doubt I'll wanna climb Mt. Kinabalu again but IF I ever do it again, I wanna do it real leisurely this time - just to relish the breathtaking view and indulge in Mother Nature's creations one more time.
It feels damn good to be alive and healthy.