Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Work like a LAN

Work should be like knocking off on time, gathering with some colleagues and sharing a great laugh, doing activities together and going home thinking, BOY I SO LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING THEM AGAIN TOMORROW.

Spontaneous piak game at LAN shop FTW.

Left 4 dead-icated workers lol.

Although we didn't leave office on time for this... looking forward to more activities to come!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The most stubborn man

One trait that gets onto my nerves - obstinateness.

As much as he is the "most successful manager in the club's history" and "revolutionised the club and the definition of attractive football", he must also take blame for the long, barren and trophy-less period.

Sorry, you're just not catching up. WAKEEEEE UPPP.

A change, please.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Only 2 weeks...

And getting tired

from chionging at work already. LOL.

(dangs - it's only Monday?!)

Maybe it's time to plan for another short getaway haha.

Thursday, February 09, 2012


A series of events delayed the booking of our New Zealand trip for about a month but I guess it's just fateful because a real awesome deal smacked right into our faces yesterday and we snagged it!!!

Christchurch (New Zealand) return air ticket


complete with 
onboard meals

in-flight entertainment

20kg luggage check-in

ample leg room

all-you-can-drink wine

figure hugging sarong kebaya


As compared to Airasia (~$800) and Jetstar (~$860) promotional air tickets that is exclusive of food/drinks and check-in luggage, and not forgetting the constricted knee space, longer flight journey and bring-your-own-entertainment-or-die-of-extreme-boredom, wouldn't you also have forked out the additional $200+ for all the necessary, wonderful frills and entitlement?

WOW WOW WOW I didn't know SQ would have such awesome promos!! I checked and their ticket to London is only like $1288!?? So the hear-say that promos always come out during February is true... probably due to the upcoming Natas fair! We didn't even want to/couldn't wait for it! TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE. 

The trip's gonna be in July - we're prepared that it's chilly winter but we've done our homework and we're gonna do it anyway. We'd be doing the south island for 14 days, self drive, self plan, self enjoy, self happy, whatever!

Behold Mother Nature.

You know I can cross a few items off my this year's resolution list already. =D

Saturday, February 04, 2012

Pokka milk tea



go really well together. HAHAHAHAHA.

Friday, February 03, 2012

Random quiz

I used to set random quizzes when I first started out my blog.

Thought I'd do another.

YE at school