Monday, April 22, 2013

Monday blues no more

Monday blues beckoned. It sucked. You wadded through and before you knew it, the worst was over.

Embroiled in the quickened pace of the working world and harsh realities of life, toiling sweat and energy for money - why won't you stop for a moment and look up. Take a refreshed look of what you have, the positives you own. And ask yourself the things you are working for, the reasons of what keep you going.

I describe myself as a happy-go-lucky, optimistic person. My friend recently posed this question to me, what are your targets in life?

My sincere answer? None. Yup, I have none.


Well, to me they aren't targets. They're just different phases in life that a majority of us will walk through. Maybe I just have a bucket-list. But not targets. I live day by day.

I like short-term goals. Rabbits, some call it. I am fueled by short-term success, the excitement of something new and refreshing, the elation of a new activity, events to looking forward to.

Maybe we should avoid detesting Monday blues. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. The more you sigh over Monday, the more you bury yourself behind the computer monitor, the fact that you choose a black/dark coloured top to go along with the impending gloominess, they're all psyching your inner self


Now, how about a paradigm shift - change the angle of your thoughts when you open your eyes and realise it's the start of the week. Focus and celebrate the positives that greet your everyday. Bring a different mood to work when you start the Monday. Monday's not all that bad! For a start, I'm gonna list down the lil' rabbits that stoke me on a daily basis:
  • Every morning, a power nap on a 30-min uninterrupted bus ride. It's one of my favourite activities on public transport and I find it absolutely comfortable and assuring.
  • Breakfast. Magic mom's pastries. It's more awesome with a good cuppa'.
  • Lunch. Some friends find it a chore to decide what to have for lunch. To like-minded friends who live to eat, the food court is a haven. Bothered by too many choices? Dilemma over chicken rice or bak chor mee? It's a happy problem!
  • Clearing my email inbox before I leave office. I feel irked when there're unread mails.
  • Watching How I Met Your  Mother on my phone on the journey home. Laughter is the best medicine. Ted, Marshall and Barney and friends are my best travel companions.
  • Dinner. Often, it's magic mom's home-cooked delights!
  • Laying in my comfy bed.
There you go! If you break down your day into tiny measures of positives, wouldn't you think your day would feel wayyyyy more awesome? :D

Ending this post with a motivational quote:

Monday, April 15, 2013


On a 1 week holiday and told myself not to check my emails. Couldn't withstand the urge and checked it on day 1. Cleared some 20 emails?

Back in sg after 8 days and prepared myself for the worst.

457 emails. FML.

Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...