Friday, October 30, 2015

Air dog

Terrible haze.
Air-con running non-stop for 7D6N.
Reports predict haze condition to stay for a prolonged period.
Indonesia just one press conference away from declaring a state of emergency.
New parent succumbs to spouse and peer influence.
Invests in air purifier.


  • No filters
  • No Motor Fans
  • Ultra Silent
  • Zero maintenance cost
  • Low Energy Consumption
  • Indoor PSI indicator
  • Be able to operate 24/7
- No humidifier
- More expensive than my air ticket to Europe

  • Value for money
  • Much convenience and hassle free (due to no maintenance required)
  • Ideal for baby room (quiet, non ionizer)
  • Can be used for many years - cost will breakeven after 4 years (based on happymums review)
  • Prevention better than cure 

Further consolation:
- Timed purchase with a 10% discount online coupon 
- Accumulated online reward points for future purchases
- Credit card 5% cashback...

No more dining at restaurants for xxx months. kkthxbye.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Confinement ends

So today marks the end of wifey's confinement! 28 days of nutrient rich, yummy confinement food, daily herbal bath, longan dates drinks and minimized contact with water.

We bade farewell to Fang Jie, our CL, with immense gratitude. On her first day she has already impressed us with her experience and updated knowledge, so much so that we felt baby could be entrusted fully under her 24/7 watch.

So on Fang Jie's last day, we gave her our printed group photo as a little momento. She looked pleased to receive it. It is a small gift but our intention is to let her know that we greatly appreciate her help. Being a CL is a noble trade but comes with definite personal sacrifices; Fang Jie's noticeably humped back and wrinkled fingers tell stories of numerous babies she has well brought up and mommies she has nursed to health.

All the best of health, Fang Jie!

Friday, October 09, 2015

YE at school