Thursday, September 29, 2016


Overdue post from 2015

I made sure to take photos for a month long project that required lots of patience and hands-on! It was gonna be a surprise for wifey as her birthday cum our 1st wedding anniversary gift.

From conceptualization to production!

Decorated with photos taken on our memorable honeymoon!

Friday, September 16, 2016

Silver for IPPT!

Timing for 2.4km:

2014 - 11:42
2015 - 12:03
2016 - 12:08 (2 more seconds and byebye Silver)

Other than weekly footy, I didn't train my running so was quite pleased with my timing!
But really, cannot not admit age is catching up with me... :( When I could do 40 sit ups quite easily, I felt super strained this year!

Monday, September 12, 2016

I survived 4 days of SAHD!

So I survived 4 full days of a full time SAHD!

It was real quality bonding with babywyx... discovering her likes e.g she's crazyyyyyy over Barney (getting super duper excited when I play it on YouTube); love for food (always clambering towards me when I'm eating, even though she's just had her lunch); and music (strums the ukulele).

I must admit, it can get really boring and monotonous taking care of a young one at home. Babywyx felt boredom too, she would get restless and crawl towards me and point towards the door (wants to go out) - and so I brought her down for walks. Other than that to pass time, it is a challenge resisting the temptation of passing the buck to technology, aka phone. We don't really let her play with the phone but she is attracted to it, god knows why! I put my phone out from her reach but when she does manage to grab hold of it, she fiddles with it and after twice SHE FIGURED  OUT THE BUTTON to unlock the screen! 

Am thankful that babywyx has a rather strict routine that goes something like this:
- Wakes up at 9-10am
- Sleeps for an hour between 12-2pm
- Takes a second nap ranging from 1.5-2 hours between 3.30-6pm 

With that, it was easier for me to be productive while she's asleep e.g. cooking lunch for myself, doing some household chores, preparing her porridge etc. 

During the 4 days, I also discovered babywyx's stunning ability to recognise flashcards and pick them up with >80% accuracy! Wifey and I were so shocked she could even recognise the English words! I posted the videos on FB which attracted comments of awe and amazement as well! 

Finally on Friday, my parents were back after BKK holiday, and I could take a one-day breather! 

And I spent a bomb that weekend! :O:O

Heh heh... retail therapy wonders!

Saturday, September 10, 2016


Throwback to when we were happy go lucky and mobile!

Sydney road trip 2011...

... and my dad trying his best to do a jump shot HAHA this got us cracking!

Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...