Tuesday, March 28, 2017


Source: jinlovestoeat

Bye bye... Internet

The inevitable... is just around the corner.

Source: Google images

Sure, it will cause much inconvenience and hassle to some officers... maybe leading to decrease in productivity in some cases. But given how everything seems to be accessible online and in softcopy now, even leaving equipment and assets to be operated by automation and software; the recent hacking to Mindef database serves a timely reminder that cyber security is and will continue to be one of the most important defences we need to invest and faithfully partake in. The G has been educating the officers as well as devising work-arounds to the impending Internet Surfing Separation, with some officers even taking the lead to participate in the ISS trial - I have confidence we will get used to the separation sooner rather than later.

But whilst I still can access the internet using my office laptop, it really has been so much convenient, efficient and enjoyable. Printscreens, copy and paste, click on links, alt-tabs - come next week, these functions won't be as frequently used as before.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

X-23 vs No. 18

People commented that the latest Wolverine movie, Logan, was good, so wifey and I (being fans of Marvel movies as well) found time to watch it last week.

Wifey was really cheering on and applauding at Laura's (X-23) ability to defend herself. I too agree that she was brilliant at bringing the armed soldiers down like they were pieces of paper!

Laura's calm demeanour, sharp killing instinct and awesome fighting ability reminded me of Android No.18 from Dragonball.

Below photos are from google images.

Monday, March 06, 2017

Punny dream

Can’t believe I came up with a pun even in my dreams!

So in the dream… I was at a table with some new friends. One of the guys introduced himself as “Oliver”. I casually asked him (in Mandarin), “Do you like to drink beer?”

He gestured shyly at his rather-large size, “Yes, I can drink a lot cos my body can take it.”

I then replied, “Woah, please take care of your body and not drink too much. It’s not good for your O-Liver…”

Gua gua gua gua…. XD

So funny it was the first thing that surfaced to my mind when I woke up from my sleep! You may say my sub-conscience crafted a pun!

Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...