Tuesday, October 24, 2017

road trip in bkk???!

Few will associate road trip with Bangkok, but that's exactly what we're gonna do!


Updates when I'm back!

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Things to do during retirement

Sometimes I hear people sharing their dream to retire at 50, 55 years old, so they can get the time to do all the things they want to do. Having watched my father retire since his early 60's (started from semi retiring in late 50's, I think), I learnt that if you want to retire early, in addition to ensuring you spend within your means, you BETTA MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THINGS TO DO TO KILL TIME!

Let me rephrase - yeah when we take leave all we wanna do (most) is to wake up naturally? That's shiok, no doubt! Then perhaps we wash up, get dressed, stroll to kopitiam to sip coffee and read newspapers leisurely, go to the mall, maybe grocery shop, cook dinner, watch tv... OKAY my point is - these activities are shiok on a one-day leave to spend some quality me-time - BUT HEY, CAN YOU DO THIS EVERYDAY???!

Chatted with my father-in-law some time ago on the topic of retirement. He's restless and active and like the Chinese say, buttock got needles i.e. cannot sit still and must be doing something. He has the financial means to retire very early but he doesn't want to - for he would be bored doing nothing or little.

As for myself - I don't think I want to retire very early, even if I can. I don't have many hobbies or huge interests. Many of my male friends are into (and can spend time researching on) cars, watches, cameras, IT gadgets, photography etc. I don't know what I can do on a daily basis that is not boring and sustainable!? I enjoy travelling but one cannot be travelling half the year right? Errr. So. In conclusion, at this point of time I can't imagine myself sitting at home after retirement. And nope, I also not one of those uncles you see sitting outside the pet shop and singing to the caged birds.

Ha! Decided to create a mental list (even better - note it down so I can refer to in future) of the things I can do after retirement:

1) Slowly read my diaries (dating to as early as primary 5) and blog entries
2) Re-read my favourite comics (dragonball and slamdunk)
3) Do gardening
4) Busk
5) Create music like this awesome fella (go read the comments left by the viewers - this guy is wayyyyy cooler than he looks!):

6) Bonus - part-time look after grandchild(ren)???


P/S: What I think my dad does in a typical day (assuming he's not babysitting):
a) sleep 30%
b) housework chores 10%
b) newspaper 5%
c) eat, bathe, dabian and other needs 15%
d) phone (facebook, news articles, funny videos, whatsapp) 5-10%
e) mall and outside 10%
f) hobbies (photography, post-photography editing) 5%
g) worrying and nagging and looking at the clock 5-10%


Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...