Sunday, May 27, 2018

OUCH #pocketburn


Okay, nation building, better public transport, improving amenities... at least the money goes towards my paymaster....

Friday, May 25, 2018

Feedback to my MP

Ever since we shifted to my current abode, we have always felt that the passageway from the carpark leading to the void deck comprised a blind spot, and it was a real safety hazard. Basically, it is at a T-junction and one is unable to sight oncoming human/bicycle until one stands at the junction. There were a couple of near-misses when I nearly walked into another's nose, but we just reminded ourselves to be more careful.

However, not too long ago wifey was carrying yx were using this passageway when a teenage boy riding an electric scooter zipped past, just mere inches away from causing an accident. This prompted me to feedback the issue to my MP. I took a few photos and described the situation:

The MP in charge of my zone, Ms Cheng Li Hui, replied the next day personally pertaining to my feedback. She understood the safety hazard and tasked her team to look into improving the safety measures. I replied and recommended installing concave mirrors.

4 weeks later:


Great work!!! So efficient!!! =)


Coincidentally, Ms Cheng was doing a residential block walkabout last Sunday with her team. Her sudden appearance caught me by surprise and I greeted her, "Hi Mrs Cheng..." by mistake, oops!

We chatted while her team stood seriously in the background, penciling down notes while stealing a few photos. I expressed my gratitude for acting so quickly into my feedback. She was like, "oh was it  about the PMD along the childcare centre?", so she remembered my feedback. Ms Cheng was really friendly and sincere during our short convo, so I took the opportunity to pass two areas of improvement (basically about the lack of sheltered drop-off point and water ponding issue at void deck), since I'm more than aware that the feedback were being documented and thus the Estate/Facilities mgmt team would be more serious looking into them.

She also shared there are many activities for seniors in the vicinity like healthy cooking demonstration. I recalled seeing something recently on the RC notice board, so I replied, "oh ya, was it the Briyani?", to which drew a loud, wide-mouth surprised gasp from her and the team! I explained I pay attention to the notice boards very often, haha.

Unfortunately yx was napping this time, or I would have asked her to see Ms Cheng in person, for when yx was younger she would mistake Ms Cheng's poster picture for wifey! Hahaha. So anyway we shook hands a few times before she and her team continued visiting other units.

But two stayed behind. The guy with the clipboard was responsible for noting down residents' feedback, and so asked for my name and contact. The lady asked if I was interested to volunteer in the RC. She shared that I seemed aware of the block and neighbourhood, as compared to "most residents who were only concerned with going to the bus stop and back home". She passed me a form and said someone would be contacting me to follow-up.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Funny incidents with wyx2


At gong gong house - I was feeding yx her dinner and her mouth was full when gong gong sat down beside her and asked, "Never greet gong gong?"

Based on what she had been doing for the past x months, her anticipated response was that she will shy away and remain silent. 

But not this time. Almost instantly, Yx replied, gesturing at her mouth, "吃饭不要讲话."

All of us burst out laughing!!!


Yx has really impressive memory, other than being able to match clothes to wearer, she is able to recall where she last saw her toys and books!

Scene - at nai nai house. My mom was searching high and low for the foldable strawberry recyclable bag, to no avail. 

I asked Yx, have you seen the strawberry bag? 

She nodded and pointed at the bag on top of the ikea toy kitchen. NO KIDDING IT WAS INDEED THERE!

Came to airport for lunch one day. Gaining back her fats hehe

Likes reading out aloud like a teacher reading out to students in a class.

Yx recited the mandarin words in gibberish except for the following:
- "一" - correctly as "one";
- The full stops as "dot";
Open and close inverted commas as "眼泪"  ROFLOLOLOL.

Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...