Monday, February 25, 2019

More strange behaviour from Yx

Attributing these peculiarities to the "3.5 year old toddler syndrome":

- Climbing onto the top of our sofa

- Refusing to nap, refusing to sleep, refusing to wake up

- Acting like a baby - Crawls on the floor and makes baby noises for 15-20 mins

- Loses interest in reading; more excited to mimic teaching and marking

- Insists on carrying funny items outside, for example:

A swimming float

.... and a paintbrush


Friday, February 22, 2019

The reason behind Yx's recent strange behaviour

For many weeks now, we observed that Yx has been acting and behaving rather strangely from her old self:

- Asked to play in an indoor playground, and to add she didn't ask for us to join her and was perfectly comfortable in our absence!
- Suddenly disliked going to sch to the extent she'd wail and refuse to change into her uniform... (but she's ok once she's in class)
- Would intentionally make a mess to test our reaction
- Drinks half the milk she used to
- More physically active and enjoys playing with other children.

Upon some learning, the bizarre changes in a 3 and a half year old toddler could be attributed to a Disequilibrium Stage.

This article also explains what changes the toddler could go through:


Just The Way You Are Ukulele Cover

Totally mesmerizing!

Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...