Monday, March 23, 2020

Bedtime routine with Yx

22 Mar, Sunday.

For the longest time now, we developed a bedtime routine for Yx. It comprises brushing teeth, washing feet, changing into pyjamas and reading of books. Wifey and I take turns to do it, while the other will carry out Ye's set of bedtime routine in the living room. Yesterday, I had the luxury to do bedtime routine with our darling first-born. After completing it, Yx asked for my company to sleep with her. Wifey usually does this, but yesterday wifey relented to Yx's request.

 I turned off the lights. I was beat and I closed my eyes in a bid to sleep. Yx didn't have her usual afternoon nap that day. Despite the room being dark and it being late at 10.30pm, Yx was as perky. And talkative.

"Papa, do you know this that this that.... (I forgot what she said)."

I acknowledged, "Mmm."

A few seconds later, Yx went, "Papa?"

I didn't reply cos it was time to wind down and I didn't want to engage her in any conversation? She called out "Papa?" again.

I replied curtly, "Ya?" 

She went on to comment about sth (which I have now forgotten). As soon as she finished, I said, "Okay it's time to sleep."

And now, she was ready to sleep. After finishing up a typical female's quota of 10,000 words a day. "Good night, silly papa," she said.

"Mmm, good night," my lips murmured, on the edge of falling asleep.

"Good night, funny papa."

"Good night, noisy Ying Xi."

Promptly, she turned onto her right side, hugged the bolster and went into slumber.

Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...