Babywye is no baby no more, she just turned 2!
Lest I forget, these are what she can do now:
- Sings songs, able to sing ABC, twinkle twinkle, songs from Baby Jojo etc
- Follows her sister. Almost her first thought every morning. Always excited to go down to pick her up from sch.
- When she wakes up, she hugs one of her soft toys and comes out looking for me, sometimes greets me "good morning".
- Drinks 180, 150, 18ml. Started drinking independently about 2 months ago. Likes fresh milk too, but we avoid giving her too much as it's chilled.
- Loves strawberry blueberry durian
- Loves carrot cake
- Can speak in (mandarin) phrases comprising 5-6 words
- Identifies herself as her name, but says "mei mei, mei mei" when she asks for sth, like how we usually call out to her
- Automatically hugs nai nai when we visit. Finds yeye with toys after she's done with dinner
- Enjoys hopping
- Doesn't like to pose and/or look at camera for photos
- Sleeps about 11pm+ to 8+ am in the cot without waking up (occasionally if she does, I'll hush her and she goes back to zzz), then latches/ co sleep with wifey until 9+-10+ am
- Doesn't seem ready for toilet training, she signals only after her poop is out
- Porridge for her primary meals still. Tried rice the other day and she took ages to bite. Adept at self feeding.
- Vocab is expanding rapidly every day!
- When she hears a commotion, she'll invite herself nearer and ask, "Se mo?" (什么?)
- If our response is "huh?" (like, are u sure?), she goes, "Zhen de 真的!"