Sunday, March 27, 2022

"Thank you for the wonderful applause. One more, please."

His passing shocked many. 

I remember him as a very healthy and friendly Director who always said hi and exchanged niceties along the corridor. Despite that he was in his mid sixties, boy his legs moved swiftly. His walking pace was quicker than mine.

I always held admiration for his willingness to pick up new skills. We learnt the ukulele together. When I organized basic cajon classes, he participated too. He knew he wasn't musically inclined and his rythm wasn't en point, but he came for every lesson nonetheless. When we performed a few songs for year end party, he was more than eager to play and sing along. When Carc surveyed for interest in beatbox lessons, he signed up as well!

He retired at 67. I happened to bump into him at the corridor on his last day, his final words were "Today is my last day”. 

His decline came too soon and too sudden. Discovered brain cancer 6 months ago, op was not successful, became paralyzed and couldn't speak after that. 

Your enthusiasm in life rubbed off many. Rest in peace.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

What to keep me going

Had a brief chat with colls over lunch today, about what we want to do after we retire.

Purely imagining myself when I'm 60, makes me feel sad. At my peak now and I'm already missing my youth just thinking that I'm losing it with the passing of every day.

Shared with wifey that day that I think I will feel severely depressed when I'm at that life stage - retired, shaking leg at home, with not much to look forward to, maybe time with grandchildren if we're blessed. I am one who needs activities, hobbies and excitement to feel motivation in life. But when I'm in my 60s, 70s, I can only wonder what would be my fuel(s) of positivity. Not having something to look forward to, the thought frightens me. And so I pray for a bountiful amount of energy and positivity! In addition to good health and functional, well lubricated limbs, of course.

But for now, I'm thankful for what I have today.

Thursday, March 17, 2022

After 8 years...

A dream....???

A massive motivation! 14 games remaining, 1 point above 5th. Points are there to be lost!

Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...