Wednesday, July 13, 2022

The end of the world...?


Had a nightmare so vivid so frightening I woke up from my slumber. This rarely happens to me.

So I dreamt that me, wifey and the girls were holed up in what looked like an underground cave. The context was that the world was ending soon. Our shelter didn't look like much, just a table and a light or two, just bright enough to illuminate the place. But it looked cosy for our own family. 

The girls just had a shower and sat next to each other in a corner, quietly engrossed in their reading (Yes, even YE was indulged in her own book 😂). They looked so innocent and pure, so angelic and undeserving. I broke down immediately, feeling injusticed and terribly helpless. Wifey came over and consoled me.

This juncture was when I jolted up from my slumber. Seeing that I was in my own room and Yx was sleeping soundly just beside, I felt instant relief...

I suspected the nightmare was because I watched Battle: Los Angeles just before turning in 😐

But it hit hard to me how precious my kids are to me.

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