Tuesday, December 27, 2022


Over dinner today, Ye popped a question from out-of-the-blue :  

”Papa, 花生是不是从花来的?”

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Loving December!

What an eventful December it has been :)

Started off with a staycation at Hotel Jen (ok technically that was 28-30 Nov but it was welcoming into December!), followed by 3d2n vacay at Legoland. 
- World Cup finals (exciting 3-3 game between Argentina and France)
- Two days later I'm meeting cousins for steamboat dinner
- Xmas eve gathering with in-laws
- Boxing day bball and brunch with sec sch friends
- Next week: Day trip into Msia with wifey and friends
- 30 Dec: belated bday treat from RMJ
- 31 Dec: staycay at Hazel Park, morning trekking planned.

And the weather has been so cooling and enjoyable!

Monday, December 12, 2022

December = Shopping spree????

How not to spend money in December, when it ties in with the festive season and  occasions like Black Friday Cyber Monday and 12.12 sales? 🫣😂

Asus laptop from Harvey Norman = $1199 + extended 3y warranty $280 = $1500
Legoland trip (paid in Oct) = $490 hotel + $140 tickets + insurance $60
Xmas gifts = $100+?
P2 books for Yx = $83
Ballet lessons for new term & extra lessons in prep for exam = $240

Also eyeing new pair of jeans from Uniqlo = $49.90 😆
My futsal boots dying soon need replacement = $120* 

(Update: Discovered prices are so much cheaper on Amazon! Just bought this:

还好 got timely civil servant bonus of 2.1 months...

Friday, December 02, 2022


I'm on day 4 of my Mandatory block leave, watching world cup qualifying game at 12.15am, while wifey and the girls are all asleep ...

It had been a fantastic 4 days, started with a relaxing staycation at Orchard Jen orchardgateway followed by a visit to Jurong bird park today.

Dreading the catching up on emails when I'm back from leave... 🥹

Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...