7 of us took great efforts to take time off our busy schedules, in order to embark on this very special 2 day 1 night get away from the hustle and bustle of school/work.
On Sat 27th Sept, before the cuckoo bird can cuckoo, we boarded the van we had indented earlier at Tampines Interchange... and off we started our journey! So excited! :)
Clearing the customs was quick probably because it was still early. After about 45mins drive, we reached our
breakfast stop!

It was like a big shed by the roadside and business was quite good. Helpers were shuffling to and fro and customers were relishing in their bak kut teh!!!

The Bak Kut Teh was nice lor!!! very thick and slurpy soup with huge chunks of meat in it. The strips of 'you za gui' tasted heavenly in the soup, chilli padi was fresh and fragrant! To top it up, the chrysanthemum tea was refreshing and sweet :)

After the very satisfying breakfast, we continued on the van drive and reached the jetty within an hour or so!

Below, Us on the boat! We had to don lifejackets for safety precautions.

All 7 of us.
Finally, we reach our destination!HOTBOYS Kelong!!!

We jumped onto the kelong excitedly, put down our bags and explored the lil' place built on wood.

The sleeping area.
Haha, there was this moment when I realised that the girls were missing. Worried for their safety, I asked Busy Roys if he knew where they where. And his reply was so nonchalant but yet so cool,
"Aiya, we're on a kelong leh, how far can they go??" HAHAHAHA!!! So funny but so true!!!
Not long after, it was time for
LUNCH!!! And very interesting, they RING A BELL to alert all that it's lunch time!

On the table was a huge bowl of soup, gigantic fried fish, stir fried vege, fried battered crab and herbal chicken. And free flow of rice. Very filling!!! The rest of the meals were close to such, like a gigantic steamed fish, fried sotong, tofu etc etc. they even provided supper and breakfast!

Above, hundreds of fish reaching for our leftovers.
After the sumptous lunch we hurriedly went to rent 2 fishing rods!

HOTBOYS provided free flow of fresh sotong as bait.
I had the first bite!Below, posing with my precious catch.

HAHAHA, it is my msn pic now. I asked an experienced HOTBOY to help me unhook the poor fish and place it in a pail of water. It revived straight away, I felt so relieved for it. :]

My poor fish. :( Actually fishing's quite cruel. :( Imagine the pain!

Ivan's price catch! Quite big! He was scared that the fish would flap and jump away hahaha!

Above, roy's pathetic catch... This fish most ke lian liao. Roy had tried to unhook it from the fishing rod... then he accidentally
dislocated its eye!! SUPER GROSS CAN!!!!!!!!! YUCKSSSSSS!!!!!!!Below, Shih Ling can fish too! Lucky her got 2 stupid fish at the same time.

At about 3 plus, which was about when we were all bored with fishing, a boat arrived to take us to a nearby island! So exciting right!!!!

The island was very pretty, peaceful and natural. The walk down the jetty towards the beach was most scenic and romantic... Must really be there physically to feel it, words are indescribable!
No holiday is considered a complete one without jumping shots.

10 points for Me and Myself.
Jx commented my stance resembles a character from Kungfu Panda.

We crossed the hill and came to this beautiful quiet beach... We immediately waded into the onrushing waves... so shiok! The slope was very gentle - we managed to walk down very far down before the water level reached our chin level. We enjoyed the waves hit against our bodies, and jumped up and down to the periodic wave movements... it was so Virginia Beach... *sigh*
We gathered to return back to the kelong about 2 hours later to have dinner! DING DING DING!
After dinner happened the most beautiful thing on earth -
SUNSET!It was WONDERFUL. The scene was totally a sum of all the following adjectives:
alluring, appealing, attractive, captivating, bewitching, enchanting, engaging, enticing, fascinating, fetching, glamorous, lovely, prepossessing, sweet, taking, tempting, winning, winsome, attractive, beauteous, comely, fair, good-looking, gorgeous, handsome, lovely, pulchritudinous, ravishing, sightly, stunning!
Imagine situated in the middle of the vast, calm blue sea... nothing on your mind except relaxation and peace... and the beautiful huge orange ring shining on your face, its rays reflecting on the sea surface like heaven's touch.
Below, pictures in wallpaper size for your
downloads! Feel free to click and enlarge and save!

We took turns to take artistic shots of each other. Haha. :)
When the sky grew dark we went to bathe.... bathing was no shower head with hot water ok! It was manual pouring water over yourself with a deeper. The water felt fantastic because it had been under the sun for the whole day.
In the nights we continued to fish, under the moon and stars! I'm not kidding when I describe that the starlit sky looked close to the one I drew below.

REALLY, the stars were flashing so dimly, but the sheer numbers of them made heaven look ever so dreamy and unbelievable.
While fishing we just sat there enjoying the breeze and chit chatting... very fun...
After some time we suggested playing mahjong under the stars but unfortunately we ended up playing in front of the TV which was showing Stoke City Vs Chelsea. -_- But breaking news was that Jx did not have his home-court advantage and finally lost for the 1st time in as many years as Ivan and him were friends. LOL.
Damn Arsenal.I had initally wanted to stay awake throughout the night appreciating the nature but everybody had gone to sleep. -_- So I went to rest, looking forward to sun rise!
My only memories after that were Kaiwei tapping my feet and whispered something. Thereafter, I was fully awake only at ten. WTH. Missed the sun rise la! That was Kaiwei's attempt to wake me up. bleah. But she said the sunrise wasn't as great as the sunset. :)

Above, more fish caught by us experienced fishermen.

See, Kaiwei can catch 2 too!

The toilets from the outside. Just for your info there are no toilet bowls or flushing systems. the only facility you have is a HOLE, which drops right into the sea. Ah yes, the fish feed on whatever you generously donate to them.
You can also see the barrels of fresh water.

After lunch it was time to bade farewell to the kelong where we had so much peace and fun... albeit only for a short day, memories would last us a lifetime.
It's time to reveal Busy Roy's real name.