Saturday, September 26, 2009

Vietnam... recollected

I don't really remember posting pics of my grad trip with my ME clique to Vietnam, did I?

I was there for 2 weeks. I returned to Singapore, relieved and happy.

Interestingly, now I find myself missing the place, and the experience. Not to mention the company, and how we entertained ourselves, cracked silly jokes and made fun of one another. It was a trip well planned and spent, all within our tight budget. :)


Although missing the place, one time was enough.

Some updates:

Ms Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee has left Singapore (AGAIN) to pursue further studies at UK. Wow wow whee wow. I'm sure she'll love the one year over there.

Our farewell dinner for her:

Busy Roy, Jx, Hefang and I organised a very spontaneous cook-out session at Busy Roy's place last Saturday. We all met up at Shop 'N' Save and started our purchasing. We initially decided on a budget of $20 in total but with Busy Roys in the picture, $20 was NEVER GONNA BE ENUFF cos Busy Roys has another nickname - 酒鬼 (alcohol ghost)!!!

And so we proceeded to buy some ingredients like noodles, whole chicken, spices, beans, cashew nuts, canned pineapple, beer and chips...

Back at his place, four of us cramped into his small kitchen and began messing up. The table top was occupied, cupboards and drawers opened, knives were passed, cutlery washed, chicken CHOPPED up (nice job), pineapples diced, beans cut... all the time Jx was "entertaining" us with his trademark nonsensical nonsense. But all in all, IT WAS FUNNNNNNNN!!!!!!

Everything was prepped in about 1.5 hours? Pretty efficient eh?? HAHAHA!!!


From top right, clockwise: French beans fried with egg; chicken noodle soup; masak-masak hotdog-pineapple-cashew nuts in ketchup; chicken and pork bone soup.

We devoured our proud meal because we were really famished by then, but it was really quite good and tantalising haha. It was an enjoyable cook-out and get-together session, and I'm sure all of us savoured the preparation and cooking process more than the dinner itself :)

Blur bee recently bought me this:

Instant stain remover! Designed for instantaneous rid of fresh food and drink stains!

Cool!!! Yesterday I tried it on Ajisen spicy cha shu ramen soup but was clueless how to go about using it.

But anyway here's where to find out more on the ingenious product (provided it's really effective)!

Everyone loves my new briefcase. =D

Definitely my BEST BUY OF THE YEAR!!!!

No pictures for it cos it would do injustice to its true BOOMZ-factor. =P Heh.


F1 Singapore Night Race is here again! I'll be involved in some crowd control duties. Hopefully everything goes smoothly and efficiently!

Have a BOOMZ-ing weekend! =D


Friday, September 18, 2009

My Russian Friend

I finally cleared one of my wants!!!!!

Just to recap, originally it was a briefcase, an iPhone and a pet wow wow.

So, on a boring Friday night I went jalan jalan at Century Square and saw what I wanted - within my budget!!! WHEE!!!! I love it. From the colour, the design, the pockets.

And so I was clearing out my previous bag I have been bringing to work everyday, and I dug out this small, inconpicuous torn sheet of paper.

The last time I saw it was 2 years ago, but the moment my eyes laid on it again this fateful day, my memories brought me back to the exact day this sheet of paper was created. And scribbed on by Petr.

Petr is my friend from Russia. We were colleagues during our summer work stint at Kings Dominion. Tall and well built and so very humurous guy this Petr is, I think we would have been very good friends if he was Singaporean.

Introducing - Petr.

One day I caught him reading a stack of notes and mummuring to himself. I went over and discovered he was reading Russian!!! HUGE ASS CRAP, the language looks super alien!!!!
A quick Google on Russian...


Бу́ря мгло́ю не́бо кро́ет, [Búrya mglóyu nébo króyet]
Ви́хри сне́жные крутя́; [Víkhri snézhnyye krutyá]
То, как зверь, она́ заво́ет, [To kak zver' oná zavójet]
То запла́чет, как дитя́, [To zapláchet, kak dityá]
То по кро́вле обветша́лой [To po króvlye obvetsháloy]
Вдруг соло́мой зашуми́т, [Vdrug solómoy zashumít]
То, как пу́тник запозда́лый, [To kak pútnik zapozdályy]
К нам в око́шко застучи́т. [K nam v okóshko zastuchít]


But anyway, it was a short but fun friendship with Petr. I have his email address cos I was supposed to send him some photos taken with my camera, but up till today, I haven't - BECAUSE I HAD LOST HIS EMAIL ADDRESS!!!! Or so I thot! Now I have it :)


On what basis do you define to be your "friends"? How do you judge if you are "good friends" with him or her?

If the friendship only lasted a couple of months and there hasn't been any contact for some years, the little memory of him/her, the only bond you hold on dearly to, is that friendship? We all know in our life, uncountable friends come and go. At the end of the day, who are the ones you sincerely make effort to keep in touch with?

I say cherish those you hold dear to. :) Don't be like this particular someone I know, whom appears to many as being very superficial and insincere. *tsk tsk tsk*


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Need a good laugh?

Try watching this! Hope your day will be filled with BOOMZ and PRINGS =P

Thursday, September 10, 2009

How is everyone doing? :)

TGIF!!! FINALLY FRIDAY!!!! It has been a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong week. But I'm glad Thursday was a great day! Eventful I would say, I was involved in an activity, first time in my life. And definitely looking forward to tomorrow, END OF THE WEEEK HURRAY!!!!! Meeting up with some friends for dinner and desserts!

Can the weekend please pass by S L O W L Y ???????? PRETTY PLEASE.....!!!!!

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Atas BBQ pics

The advance team went shopping at Cold Storage in the afternoon. We bought so much stuff, the receipt was the longest we've all ever seen - so we took turns posing with it!


The food was ultra good man!!! Never before have I eaten such nice and classy BBQ. Sweet.

We seriously planned out a 13 course ATAS BBQ but only managed to reach 10 or 11. There were still lots of food left! hahaha.


Cheers to 2009 MTs!!!! =D

YE at school