Friday, September 18, 2009

My Russian Friend

I finally cleared one of my wants!!!!!

Just to recap, originally it was a briefcase, an iPhone and a pet wow wow.

So, on a boring Friday night I went jalan jalan at Century Square and saw what I wanted - within my budget!!! WHEE!!!! I love it. From the colour, the design, the pockets.

And so I was clearing out my previous bag I have been bringing to work everyday, and I dug out this small, inconpicuous torn sheet of paper.

The last time I saw it was 2 years ago, but the moment my eyes laid on it again this fateful day, my memories brought me back to the exact day this sheet of paper was created. And scribbed on by Petr.

Petr is my friend from Russia. We were colleagues during our summer work stint at Kings Dominion. Tall and well built and so very humurous guy this Petr is, I think we would have been very good friends if he was Singaporean.

Introducing - Petr.

One day I caught him reading a stack of notes and mummuring to himself. I went over and discovered he was reading Russian!!! HUGE ASS CRAP, the language looks super alien!!!!
A quick Google on Russian...


Бу́ря мгло́ю не́бо кро́ет, [Búrya mglóyu nébo króyet]
Ви́хри сне́жные крутя́; [Víkhri snézhnyye krutyá]
То, как зверь, она́ заво́ет, [To kak zver' oná zavójet]
То запла́чет, как дитя́, [To zapláchet, kak dityá]
То по кро́вле обветша́лой [To po króvlye obvetsháloy]
Вдруг соло́мой зашуми́т, [Vdrug solómoy zashumít]
То, как пу́тник запозда́лый, [To kak pútnik zapozdályy]
К нам в око́шко застучи́т. [K nam v okóshko zastuchít]


But anyway, it was a short but fun friendship with Petr. I have his email address cos I was supposed to send him some photos taken with my camera, but up till today, I haven't - BECAUSE I HAD LOST HIS EMAIL ADDRESS!!!! Or so I thot! Now I have it :)


On what basis do you define to be your "friends"? How do you judge if you are "good friends" with him or her?

If the friendship only lasted a couple of months and there hasn't been any contact for some years, the little memory of him/her, the only bond you hold on dearly to, is that friendship? We all know in our life, uncountable friends come and go. At the end of the day, who are the ones you sincerely make effort to keep in touch with?

I say cherish those you hold dear to. :) Don't be like this particular someone I know, whom appears to many as being very superficial and insincere. *tsk tsk tsk*


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What a boring Friday night at home.