Sunday, November 28, 2010

This December...

I have not fully recovered from a blocked nose! Been more than a week! It started off from flu that put me at home for an ENTIRE WEEKEND!!! That was really a new... luckily it went away on Monday but since then I have had this blocked nose that didn't affect my work but it is super irritating cos I sound so nasal when I speak. And sometimes I cannot even hear myself clearly! Haha. I wanna go ktv!

I thought November passed by in a flash. I think it could be due to 2 public holidays and a rather manageable work load, so my mood was easy going, and time flies when you're having fun, doesn't it??? But I think I had a very enjoyable November...

In a few days' time we warmly welcome December, my favourite month and favourite time of the year! It is during which everyone's in a holiday /partying mood, friends are going overseas, clearing leaves, the weather's more cooling... last but not least, accompanying jingles on the FM is an awesome Christmasy mood when you step into shopping centres and such!

Other than the year end sales, December is also a time when most would be receiving bonuses... and that means spending power to supply your spending needs! haha...

This December, I want to:
  • Get a new pair of spectacles. This will be my birthday/xmas present for myself. Haha. The red framed one I'm donning now is cui-ed. The paint is chipping off and the rubber deteriotated. It is the most I've forked out for a pair of spectacles; but it has lasted me close to 4 years!
  • Depending on the $ forked out for the above, I might buy myself a casual bag too. But it'd depend on whether I find a nice one!
  • Renunce my Citizenship and take new oath... optimistically on the 8th if admin procedures allow, if not it'd be in January.
  • Go for a massage session. A few weeks ago I purchased a 1-hour session at Adeva Spa for $38/=. They claim to be 5-star spa; and you can even drop by earlier to enjoy a free sauna and jacuzzi!
  • Eat Red Mango at Esplanade Xchange. I still have a $5 voucher that expires on 31st December 2010 - and anyway I love Red Mango! It's really tasty!
  • If possible, I'd do a facial! Heh. Been quite a long time since I went for one... want to remove some blackheads and smoothen pores.
  • If I'm in the crazy mood, I might visit BrowHaus! Haha omgosh. I haven't plucked my eyebrows before, but I think I should try that at least once! Haha! Might find a guy friend to accompany me, at least not so paiseh ahaha.
  • Will be partying at Zouk Mambo Nite on 15 December! =D
  • RSGT Christmas party! (If I had a wish, I would wish that all 10 can make it. And be happy.)
  • A MT Graduation Dinner to celebrate our 18 months' programme coming to an end. Zen, to 18 months of priceless life lessons, maturity, social skills, a taste of working life... and byebye to honeymoon.
  • A Christmas cum December babies' party!
  • Go food hunting with my parents.. you know, like drive around and sample some recommended hawker stalls
  • Go KTV!
  • Fly my kite
  • Spend a day at Sentosa
  • Write a recap of 2010, following the tradition of what I have done for the past couple of years. It sure goes to remind how this year had gone by...

I think I also should include some "no drive to do but good to do" activities:

- Pack/organise/arrange/tidy up my table
- Drop by LF. High time to return my friend's CD and attend a session eh?

Now, I'm sure December will pass by even faster even November.


Luckily, my blocked nose did not affect my running! Hehe. Having failed my IPPT last month and Busy Roys and Jx also unhappy with their performance (DAMN, my 1st time! WTH. Anyway not that I didn't train for it, I did! But something happened during my shuttle-run that day so I took it twice - ended up that my leg muscles tired out and did not recover... and I finished 2.4km with an unbelievable timing!), we took a retry at Maju Camp yesterday (local guys who did NS should know why) and I passed with a Silver! WOOT!!! =D Actually I was damn nervous yesterday? Cos I only had 2 weekends left to the end of my window period. Haha. If anything had happened... choy! =X

Anyway let's hope I maintain this standard for the rest of my Cat-Y IPPTs. Seriously, I do feel that I'm getting less fit. Age catching up on me??! I must exercise more often!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

eye pee pee tee

Never have I had to take it twice.... But anyway today is the day!

Huff puff huff puff!
Go Brooks!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

tea egg


I bought a tea egg for 80c, and got back $25.00 in return!

Haha... Well done to myself!

Speaking of tea eggs...

It reminds me of my trip to KL back in Dec 2008 to visit our cousins...


Dear Fiona,

I'm sure the rest of your friends were as shocked as I was to hear about it. We will definitely miss having your bubbly laughter and boisterous aura around. Rest in peace.

Min Hui


Life is so fragile. Are you living your life the way you want to?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

plain plane

(Post edit: I had taken the plane to Hong Kong this year too, haha.)

Was just reading my previous posts and came across this, posted last December.

"Next year, I swear I'm taking the plane to somewhere nice."

HAHA. I only flew once this year, and it was to short flight to Bangkok. Well, not bad, I really had an awesome time there!

Next year the plane is gonna take me to ...


And hopefully,


And... China Silk Road!

Epoch - a point of time distinguished by a particular event or state of affairs; a memorable date

I did 1. Memorable.

Was in for 2. Emceed.

Involved in 3. Coordinator.

Played for Speech Day. Had fun.

Am preparing for 4. Tough.

My friend told me, "Move on."

Just counted and realised 10 years has passed... I think this could very well be the last time I'm picking it up. Again.

I think I can at least die a peaceful death... contented to see the meaningful musical tradition being passed on from batch to batch... haven't I all along been yearning for this day, since day 1? =)

I hope to end it off with a blast!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

BKK On Nut - Dinner and massage!!!

Located at downtown BKK, take the MRT to the last train station On Nut, exit from the left and find yourself tantalizing at this really awesome night makan place that offers many varieties of food, ranging from your favourite fried chicken wings to clams to beef noodles to local delights - for e.g. this fried fish which local ppl eat by wrapping the meat in a piece of lettuce, throw in some other alien leaves and their specially concocted sauce - heavenly!

Walk a few streets down towards Carrefour and indulge in the CHEAPEST massage you will ever find - just 100-150 Baht for a full 1 hour's traditional Thai massage that leaves you refreshed and rejuvenated.

I wanna go back again!

Tuesday, November 09, 2010


Received a letter from ICA today, like after 8 months!

They approved my application to become a Singapore Citizen!

WOOHOO! Now to settle all the tedious procedures...

I'm gonna miss my blue IC...

Sunday, November 07, 2010

The sharpest criticisms are more often than not the best advice you can listen to to improve yourself.

One year on and still active!

One great day that was only successful due to the hard work and preparation prior! =D
I was asked yesterday what my hobbies were.

One of them, I said, was reminiscing past memories.

Surprisingly, that was the first time I said that.


This was were we stood.

When we spent a day doing things together for the first time.

Profile Tests

I have attempted a few profile tests and here are my results:

1) The "what bird are you" test

I'm a dove.


I'm high I and high C.


For ENTJs the driving force in their lives is their need to analyze and bring into logical order the outer world of events, people, and things. ENTJs are natural leaders who build conceptual models that serve as plans for strategic action. Intuition orients their thinking to the future, and gives their thinking an abstract quality. ENTJs will actively pursue and direct others in the pursuit of goals they have set, and they prefer a world that is structured and organized.


Though profiling tests might not be 100% accurate or realistic, I believe they do relate something about your character, your perspective and your moral values.

At the same time they allow you to be more self aware and understand your strengths and weaknesses.

(Do you want to try the MBTI test? PM me, I got a soft copy!)

Thursday, November 04, 2010


Today I chilled. Big time.
Felt damn shiok!

Only woke up when postman rang the bell.

And took shelter from the menacing afternoon sun rays at a air conditioned cafe, on a comfy sofa eating donut and drinking iced ALPOKAT CUPPACINO, while reading newspapers and sharing a chat!

OTOT, nothing on my mind, super shiok!!!

好久没有这种感觉了!!! =D

Monday, November 01, 2010

our KFC meal in USA

Barely a week after we touched down in USA, we were weirdly craving for KFC! On a rest day we gathered manpower and embarked on our holy search for a KFC!

I posed for this pic when we finally found one after like an hour's walk? And kept asking for directions along the way. haha.

Roar of ecstacy!

I put the above pic as my msn dp and apparently it garnered some curious questions. Haha.

And of course, our prized rewards!

Verdict: their chickens are bigger but Singapore KFC still tastier, haha!

Hungry now =X

Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...