Wednesday, February 23, 2011

35 more years to go

Today I was counting back and realised I've started 'real' work for only a month.

Man, it had felt longer than double of that.

Sometimes after a long day at work I come home and complain why I have to work, my dad would always snort and advise, "你还有三十五年! (you still have 35 more years to go!)"

One month had seemed like two. I really wondered how I'm gonna live having to slog for 35 years. I think we all need two types of motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic. For now (as in now, this week now), I believe my former is fulfilled. As for the latter... it really is a 'Shift+/".


Random pic.

I wanna take part in an Orientation! =(

And take freebies from school! =(

Monday, February 21, 2011

Flag Day

Last Friday I did flag day for my company. All proceeds would go towards helping the beneficiaries under the care of our company. CSR.

The last I held a cold, tin can and had to put up with the many nonchalant, cold smiles of I've-got-no-coins and inhospitable waves of the palm was back during JC. It felt strange that now, I was the one eagle-eyed, spotting and approaching the shuffling commuters. I would then shove the can in their faces, not forgetting to don a most radiant smile and send them a warm good morning, "HELLO!"

It worked! =D

I think my success rate was about 3 in 10. Out of the 3, 1 would already be walking towards me with donations in their palms. The other 2 would take a quick look at the can (to understand whom they're being generous to) before reaching into their bags/pockets.

I strategically positioned myself at Bishan, just outside the fare gates. If you're familiar with Bishan, you'd know that there's only a limited zone after the gates before you step into the boundary of Junction 8. I was busy shuffling to and fro the area asking for donations but the security guards were on high alert - every 5 mins they'd come by and shoo me, "Please do not step inside the white area." So calculative! ^%!#$!@#

Anyway I obeyed his polite instructions and stood outside of J8 lor.

"HELLO," came a stern female voice.

I turned around. A rotund auntie in her near 60s, dressed in floral blouse and baggy pants, rested her weight comfortably on a plastic makeshift stool. Her shaggy, unkempt curly greyed hair added gloom and displease to her emotionless stare.

"Here cannot stand. Go over there," she signalled, pointing towards a small square 2 metres away.

She was selling tissues. I took a quick glance of where I was and realised I was occupying her comfort zone. I smiled in reply and stepped aside.


My flag day duty only lasted 1.5 hours, but I had observed 3 trends:

I think people these days have become more affluent! I was really surprised that many slipped in $2 notes; if not a wholesome pinch of coins.

The other trend I observed is that Singaporeans are generally quite polite! Many of those who weren't interested to donate gave me eye contact and smiled apologetically when I approached them. When I thanked the rest, "Have a nice day!" they'd say something nice back. =) And that made my day. (especially that sweet smile from one girl)

Singaporeans walk really quickly. I believe they're like you and me out there - testing limits. We're guilty of setting our alarm clocks to ring at the latest possible time, such that we'd be able to catch THAT particular bus/train at that specific timing, later alighting and transferring to THAT particular bus, and turn up for work just on time. And we take pride in that we're always successful in doing the same everyday. Haha.

And they also look so busy and flustered. It definitely tells alot how fast-paced and hasty we have been living our lives.


Pause and smell the flowers. =)


Yesterday on the front page of Sunday Times, printed a familiar figure. I recognised her sullen eyes and untidy hair.

It was the same tissue auntie at Bishan. And she'd be receiving more than $800 in Govt grants as a result of the latest Budget. =)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I miss this place...

and this bunch of peeps!

V-Day 2011

This season's Valentine's Day is special.

4 happy yuppies singles dated one another, headed for Cineleisure after work for dinner and movie.



I'm sure it's a movie that suits all age groups. The Gen Y audience would find it funny and heartwarming; whereas this movie would definitely hook up the nostalgia amongst the Gen X. From the old school fun-fair setup to the ice coloured balls to how everyone was donning the o-biang tops, I thought the set and the props were painstakingly prepared just for this production - and quite an applaudable effort, I'd say.

With 4 short stories depicting how ppl were like in the past, how they lived, what their pastimes were, I saw kinship, love, happiness and sorrow. And I learnt again how one can live plain, simple days but still be happy if one is truly contented.

Like a typical local production, this movie is also not short of funny slapstick momemts and laughable antics.

Catch it if you can =)

After the movie, we headed for Ben & Jerry's at Dempsey. It's kinda like our favourite haunt out, especially on Fri or weekend nights when the live band would play - very nice place to hang out with your favourite friends for desserts or beer. And then on the way back, we sang to our hearts' content in the car cruising along ECP under the stars.


I could live with friends like these. =)


"Valentine's Day is to reminisce about those you once loved, and who loved you back.. and you wish them the very best even if it may hurt."

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Today, we graduated.

The railway track can lead you all the way to where you want.

You could stay stationary at the depot and watch as the other trains chug their way forward. You could also choose to set off. Which station you wish to alight at.

But don't go in RM. Be constantly improving yourself. Know where your weaknesses are and set out to make them right. Success will find you.


When's the Pee & L due?


Why can't you do the calling and book them by yourself?

I don't mind doing it but not when you keep cancelling and postponing?! You not paiseh one meh?


I don't know why I'm doing Pee & L. Seems to me that I'm the lowest lifeform around therefore naturally it came to me.

They're all marked red.


Man, I hope I strike TOTO.


Am I starting to sound like a girl? I keep ranting.


I'm starting to dislike this blog skin.

Friday, February 11, 2011

I thought coming back to work after CNY would be transitionally smooth. You know, everyone still in that long weekend and holiday mood?

It was true, at least for Monday and Tuesday.

Then suddenly everything pouredd. I feel like I'm gonna drown soon! Not only have I not settled the red flags (red flag = urgent/to follow up) in my email, the red flags just keep stacking up! =(

Ok but luckily today we welcomed a new colleague. Yayness. I think she'd be a great help! =D

And I realise it's very impt and useful to create easily accessible summary sheets. I mean an excel spreadsheet with all your contacts/figures/information/procedures that you can find easily just by Ctrl+F. Super convenient. Oh, design your spreadsheet; put in your favourite colours too. =)

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

My next buy?

Looks chio. I have always been a huge fan of SE! =D

It comes with Sony Mobile Bravia Engine that enhances visual footages taken via its camera. Ultra cool!

Monday, February 07, 2011

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Bye Tiger

Bid farewell to the year of the Tiger!

And bye to the Tiger...


Hello Rabbit! Where art thou?

YE at school