Tuesday, July 26, 2011

It ain't easy to find somebody who also knows the silly things that you recall, that nobody else ard you seem to know:

- Tronky
- Cabbage patch kids
- fai di fai di
- Jenny 娃娃
- nostalgia
- 拔萝卜
- the craving for Assam laksa


Monday, July 25, 2011

Melakan Makan


Satay Celup

Assam Laksa

Durian Chendol


Friday, July 22, 2011

Sa-watdii krap~!

Haha! How apt a picture at BKK A&W?

It took only 24 hours to spot a super cheap budget flight deal, gather a bunch of fun-loving friends, and get all tickets booked.


Simply awesome.

I'm learning one new Thai word/phrase a week.

- Sa-watdii krap
- kun chuu a-rai krap
- mai ghin kao/ghin kao mai
- kor tot krap


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Building mY Damage

Just about reflects what ppl are feeling...

Time to lay the chess board and count your pieces.

I'm sure we ain't the only ones.


And everyday at work I'm Building mY Damage.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Ruan more time

I watched the videos of TMSACO Debut concert 2010.

It reminded me of how I picked up the ruan once more; of how the thin skin on my fingertips screamed in protest of the burn against the strings; how I had blamed the stubborn inflexibility of my right wrist.

But as the video played, I found my fingers tapping on my armrest... My right wrist itched abit - To want to strum the last few 小节 so loud so hard so passionate.

Musical Epoch IV?
Haha. No way.

5 more weekends!


- haversack check
- walking stick check
- gloves check
- hiking shoes... check 1/2!

I think I'm lacking seriously in cardio!

*huff puff huff puff*


4 more days!!! =D

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Bom Cha Cha

Sometimes I step out after a long day, look at the dark sky and ask myself if it's worth it?

I'm beginning to take to alcohol! BOM CHA CHA!


The wonderous colours of the sky.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


In future if I get called up to a 'Meet-the-Teacher' session

and my child's teacher reports that my kid is very talkative

I'll give my child a pat on the back

and tell him,

"Keep it up!"


Don't be overly cautious - dare to speak up.

Thursday, July 07, 2011

6th July

is always gonna be special day.

My 2nd year anniversary in $MRT. =)

It didn't really occur to me until N informed me about it on fb.

It is also on this date that I received a piece of excellent news from "Employee Communications". Am very very very very very elated. =)

I need to thank EVERYONE in the company for this, especially to my direct-working colleagues and superiors. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!


I needed to serve Sat + Sun guard duty, 2 days in a row! I booked out on Sun morning but however couldn't make it in time to return in the evening! I was so afraid that I jolted up from my nightmare. Haha. Bizarredly I went back to sleep, feeling relieved that I'm working, not serving the NS.

Yeah, perhaps we should always look on the positive side of everything. Haha.

Monday, July 04, 2011

4th July.

Happy Independence Day!

Happy Youth Day too!

I'm celebrating neither :(
OK, I also may wanna get a belt to go along with jeans.


The start of another week. I'm starting to be numbed by work. Something doesn't feel in place. Hmmm.

I also said I will kiwi my shoes (since a month ago) and fix up my bicycle bell (which should not take more than 10 mins). Need more me-time. Haha.

Taipei or NZ?

Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...