Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Review of 2012....

OKAY OKAY I know, it's belated already! Been very busy!

Hehehee wells, just to buy some time - my first ever time touching snow:

Thursday, January 10, 2013

money or your life

11.30pm I stepped into the house and greeted my parents. The first thing my dad told me was, "You have to learn how to say 'no' to your boss."

I was like o_O. Fancy that advice from a Gen X to a Gen Y? How ironic...


Anyway, just to share a meme which I found damn hilarious. I can't find it elsewhere so I've edited it abit:


Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Les Miserables

The movie was intriguing and enthralling enough for me to source for youtube videos to satisfy the post-movie cravings. What a nice surprise to find a 2 hr 49min long video of their 25th anniversary concert! You can watch the full thing here:

After watching Avenue Q and Les Miserables, I have +1 to my Bucket List - to sing in a musical/play, yes I will.

Monday, January 07, 2013

Dear diary,

Today I had a great day! I woke up at 10am and mom made 2 delicious half boiled eggs for breakfast! Mom was very elated she handled the temperature of the water and the timing perfectly. Magic Mom prepared a simple but yummy lunch in an hour during which I did some work.

In the afternoon, I surfed net before meeting Celeste and siblings and friends for badminton! It has been 2 years since I played and boy, was I rusty! Nonetheless it was a good workout which made me jump and stretch quite a bit. I must have had 4 bowls (albeit small ones) for dinner as I was too famished after the earlier exhaustion.

Later, I wasted 2 hours of my evening agonizing over Arsenal's draw with Swansea. It's gonna be a busy busy week ahead and I hope I don't mess up the important stuff. Good night!

Weather: fine
By: min hui

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Review of 2012

Yeah yeah yeah... it's supposed to come already, but events and inertia are catching up with me.

P/S: The year's an awesome one.

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

The turn of a page - to 2013

It is the start of another calendar year. January. I think it may be one of the most dreaded words in my context. Just as December makes one feel relaxed and everything comes to a crawl, January is the exact opposite - time to get the engine started, planning and forecasting, and you know what's worse to come? 11 more pages in the calendar to flip, GG!

To me, the turn of every year doesn't feel monumtous, defining nor remarkable. It was just another tick of the second hand on the clock; the digital display on the clock resetting to 00:00:00; but globally symbolised by extravagant fireworks, merry party and boisterous cheers. However, the significance lies with people's perceived and celebrated turnover of another 12 months - people evaluate and appraise their past year achievements, regrets and memorable chapters, at the same time laying down their goals, vision and mission for the next 365 days.


Was at Khatib to join the neighbourhood kakis in the countdown, with girlfriend and some NZ peeps for company. It was a simple celebratory fare - mosaic painting, stage performances, aerosol sprays you have them too, MPs doing their walkabout, and a 5 mins fireworks display to boot.

As I was on the cab back home and passed underneath the overhead bridge that links Tampines and Pasir Ris, it reminded me of the times I spent NY countdown at Downtown East. Both times were memorable but only the second is worth mentioning - had my buddy Jx for company. Together we pressured up our bicycles, dashed across the traffic junctions, shook heads at the immaturish kids hanging outside the chalets and making a nuisance of themselves, sang Auld Lang Syne together. Then we headed slowly back to Tampines amidst the quiet night, stopping by an exercise station to do pull ups, buy drinks at the gas station,  talking cock... when suddenly we encountered of what we thought was a crime in action - there were a few kids skeltering suspiciously at the void decks, followed closely by a few policemen! Jx and I tried to be civic-minded citizens and went after the kids on our bicycles. They were later surrounded by the policemen (doubt we helped at all haha) who took down their details. Don't really know what happened but think the kids were just mischievous and didn't commit any crime. Later, Jx and I discussed passionately how we would plot to catch a bicycle thief red-handed when we had the time haha, we talked cock for an hour plus before bidding farewell relunctantly to what was a long but awesome night...


On our bicycles we also went on countless cycling adventures and explored new places, and it was really fun because we had confidence in each other's psychomotor and peddling skills  - we would zip down the empty roads with both hands extended and flailing against the wind (look mom, no hands!)... race down narrow roads, hop across humps and kerbs, turn sharp bends and and you can bet your last dollar that the trusted buddy would always just be following closely behind.

In 2008, Jx's family bought a car... and I never got him to embark on another cycling tour again.

Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...