Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Happy CNY!


It's my favourite time of the year!

On facebook many friends commented that the 4-consecutive days holiday has gone by in a flash. Hmm. Yes, indeed. It's made worse by the fact that I have been down with cough, sore throat and flu over the past 5-6 days. Though it hasn't largely affected my appetite, my blocked nose discounted the taste, fragrance and aroma of the CNY dishes that I adore much.

Do you believe in zodiac forecasts? Hmm. I'm not a firm believer but what I've observed is that my luck at gambling has turned for the better! Or at least by my standards, I don't find myself losing as I always do. Haha. Hope to sustain this (though I don't gamble much, just the occasional leisure mahjong).

In line with the CNY celebration, strongly recommending this short but touching local production "The Reunion Dinner 回家過年" revolving around the traditional reunion dinner... I love it not only because of the cinematic and directing, but also because of the values one can easily link and be attached to - the family. The bonds and the love within the family are priceless and yet not everlasting, at the same time it is what all of us holds dear but so often takes for granted.

Another personal take-home message from the film is that it is not money that drives happiness... much less career (the males are barber and delivery man, as depicted in the film)... whereas it is intrinsic contentment - spending time with people whom you love, simply depicted by a father and son standing at the corridor gazing out, sharing a beer.

Was having a casual conversation with the former head of HR (Asia-Pac) of a globally renowned MNC... asked her what was the reason she left her job. Her reply was a good 15 minute biblography but her answer drives home my above point too. Unspoken-of politics, spending obscene hours at work, missing out on important events of your loved ones, insecurity and lack of inner fulfillment... sometimes, money does not equate to happiness. The question is: What do you value most?


It's mid February. In a blinkling of an eye. Oh my goodness. Truth be told, I'm not yet started on my 2012 review, let alone setting resolutions/plans/goals for 2013. I will be doing it (soon). Well I'm kinda a happy-go-lucky person, motivated by short term goals and looking forward to events. Here's what I'm expecting to keep myself going:

March: Dinner and Dance!
April: Tokyo with buddies
June: Taiwan with family (still in discussions...)
July: Bonus payout, hahaha.
August: Mt. Ophir?? Hmm...

And I think this year's gonna pass by really quickly too...

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What a boring Friday night at home.