Friday, February 26, 2016

Random pic

My study desk, 2009
Back at my old house 123 where I shared a room with my bro. I wondered how I studied for my exams including 'A' levels and Uni exams at this small desk! It functioned as my study desk cum display cabinet cum stationery drawer cum accessory shelving cum laptop desk!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Arsenal in the chambers, again


Yup, that’s Arsenal for you. So much hype and talk that “we have a chance”, but 80% of ‘non-delusional’ fans knew that as much as we support a good fight against Barca, deep in our hearts we are prepared for another despairing night. And voila, what else but (yet) another loss. At home.

“We have a winning formula” – declared Gabriel, before the game.
“They are not unstoppable” – many suggested.

The higher chances of a positive result you claim in the media, the larger the disappointment. What winning formula? Of not losing 3-0? Or not getting a guy sent off?

Arsenal played like Arsenal as we know them of recent years – immature, naïve (that Wenger himself said), nervous, lack of creativity. How many players did not step up to the challenge – Sanchez was full of energy but tried too hard to create things by himself; Giroud was not imposing; Walcott was given a run as a sub but delivered no impact. Heck, I waste my breath on Chamberlain who wasted a fine chance in the first half – WHY DID WENGER EVEN START HIM? His last few games were mediocre at best. Browsed a few comments on soccernet and some fans preferred Campbell to Chamberlain. I wouldn’t veto that. Campbell is pacy and can surprise opponents with his keen eye for a pass; on the other hand Ox is a one trick pony (always running down the flank) and when he tries not to, he makes the wrong decisions.  I have no comments for Ramsey tonight, he was okay but leaves gaps in midfield when he surges into the box, not an individual lapse but the effect of playing the formation.

When they were a goal down with 10 mins to go, Wenger replaced Coquelin with Flamini. WHAT? Does that mean he wants to hold out the result? Regardless, the latter’s first touch was a foul in the box which led to a penalty. I wasn't in disbelief; in fact I ALMOST LAUGHED OUT LOUD, AT 5.30AM. I think my weekly soccer friend can do an equally good job as Flamini. He has been very poor the last few games. Flamini, the only way you are useful to Arsenal is if your side line makes you a billionaire and then you buy over Arsenal. Other than that, out you go.

Another point to note: Messi has never scored against Petr Cech all his life. Suddenly, he puts two past him. The difference? Goalie is now playing for Arsenal. Lame, uninspiring, predictable Arsenal. Henry rightly pointed out earlier this season that Arsenal can’t win the league when non world-class players are main stays (Giroud, Ramsey, Ox the major culprits). I’ll say again – Wenger’s time is over.

My favourite comment seen on insta:

“I’ve always said this, Chamberlain and Flamini are not football players, one is a sprinter and the other is a f***ing idiot. They cost us the game tonight.”

Funny but damn, how honest the truth is.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016


So I was "airLO" (sounds like arrowed) to be a LO for the Singapore Airshow 2016. Colleagues shun it if they can but I was looking forward to my virgin experience.

I enjoyed the LO experience, being a representative of the country to my overseas delegate from Brunei. The entire event progressed smoothly without hiccups, helped by the fact that my Principal is a rather easy-going person who is familiar with SG. Through our conversations, I also got to learn more about Brunei:

- More than 80% of the population are youths (defined as 35 years and below). Quick check on Wiki says it is 63% (based on 2011 statistics). Close.
- Coffee culture is picking up, with cafes sprouting. Much of their coffee is influenced from Kuching, Sarawak. Understandably, due to the proximity of the two countries.
- Drones are prohibited in their country. However, certain exclusions are given especially for commercial reasons.
- Starbucks has just entered in 2015. The entry of Burger King dated a few years back. Apparently some Bruneians will pack BK from Changi Airport transit to bring back home!

- SG has some to pick up from Brunei with regard to their care for the environment. Absolutely no plastic bags are given on all Fri, Sat and Sundays. To the extent you can’t even pay for them!

Other than the airshow at CEC itself, there were other events taking place that led to the opening e.g. dialogues, summit, conferences. Am pleased to learn that our company received plaudits and praises from overseas delegates and the Ministry's highest ranking officer for a job well done.

Friday, February 19, 2016


Attending a 10-course productivity lesson

So I’m 12 months into my job and it means my ‘probation’ period has ended.  Yup, just heard from HR that I am confirmed, yay!

(but no pay increment hor)

I still feel noobish in this company. Other than my own Div, I know little about what other Divs do or the colleagues from there. There was a 3-day orientation programme for new staff which I had attended; but I felt that it wasn’t particularly useful in the acceleration of my knowing what the other departments do… I mean, we sat through powerpoint slides, received briefings from personnel whose body language hinted that they preferred to be in office doing work. Moreover, the content is very superficial and high-level, theoretical segments were not useful at helping me grasp what they really do. Thus I came to appreciate how privileged I was as a $SMRT MTs – to be involved in attachments ranging from 3 day to 2 weeks in ALL BUs, shaking hands and having luncheons with senior management, attending intensive brain-washing sessions of VMCV, experiencing behind-the-scenes of pway maintenance, bus morning despatch and OCC control etc. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Lo and behold, what else but the Airshow

Could never wash my hands from the Airshow, could I? Haha.

Have been a part of the event since 2010, in a way or another, the much-lauded Singapore Airshow.

2010 – usher aka public traffic marshall

2012 – health check of shuttle buses

2014 – coordinating officer for ensuring shuttle bus service standards

2016 – “entertainer”, as my dad termed.

Wishing the event will proceed smoothly!

Thursday, February 04, 2016


But I'm not loaded and the car is impractical and fuel inefficient... ok ok...

Wednesday, February 03, 2016

给我一点吃的吧, huh

Under my blog archive I recounted that many years ago, I chanced upon one middle-aged lady near Tampines central on two occasions about a year apart. On both occasions, she wore a pitiful grimace and asked passer-bys for some money for food. She claimed she had a sick mother to take care of and hadn’t eaten for 3 days. For she could not provide sensible nor consistent answers when I probed her plight further (e.g. why don’t you find a job), I did not give her any money. Then, I assumed she was a lazybum seeking money the easy way.


(Fast forward to a few years later)

One morning last week, on my way to the bus stop to work, I spotted a skinny middle-aged lady asking passer-bys for money. She donned plain clothes but spotted a white bandana and held an asthma inhaler in her left hand.

There was no way I could siam her along that path and expectedly, she came up to me. Slightly hunched, the lady pointed at her stomach, at the same time expressing a grimace, hinting hunger. First thing I asked was where she stayed. If she was a cheat, she'll fumble for answers.

She didn’t hear me the first time and was muttering something. I interrupted, “Where?”

Without looking back, she pointed towards an arbitrary direction behind her.

“WHERE?” I probed.

In Mandarin she replied, “800 plus.”

I needed to know she was in a genuine sorry plight. “Where?”

She said near the market.

“Which block?”

She answered, 801.

Okay. But I continued pressing her, “Why don’t you ask for help near the bus interchange where there are more people?” The auntie said she doesn’t dare to do it where there are too many people.

How much do you want, I asked concernedly. She lifted up the asthma inhaler and gestured at it, $46.

I gave her $10 and continued my journey.

2 minutes later, it suddenly hit upon me whether I had trusted her too easily. Ok, so there is indeed a Block 801. But it is nowhere near here. Why did she have to travel out of the way to ask for money? My gut feeling also told me the asthma inhaler did not belong to her.

Anyways. I felt $10 is within my comfortable zone to help someone in need. If indeed the lady's plight is true, it’s more than enough to fill her stomach and maybe get some groceries. If she had meant to lie, it’s not big an amount to part with.

Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...