Wednesday, December 28, 2016



28 December 2016.

T-4 days to 2017.

Time to reset/snooze your new year resolution clock!!! 

Thursday, December 22, 2016


To be featured on multiple newspapers...


And even on newspapers across the causeway!!

Mr Carlsberg lived up to his name. A worthy and deserving winner! Am glad to be able to witness that epic moment which changed his life!

Classic interview answers from the man who became $20k richer after 4 hours:

"This beer is not the same golden yellow like any other beer is. Carlsberg is 169 years of beer, refined over many decades and regions."

"If I were Jacey Jacobson, I would market my beer as such: 'You are not just drinking beer. You are drinking a work of art and science.'"

"How I would say my wedding vow to a bottle of Carlsberg: 'I promise not to leave you, until the last drop is done.'"

And to top up the epic experience with a cheesy cheer (composed by who else other than yours truly):

Royston Lim
Lim lim lim
If it's Carlsberg
Must be him!

Friday, December 16, 2016

Food from the Heart

December is the season of giving. To put that into action, 20 of us put in half day's of manual labour at Food from the Heart (read more about them here: A colleague even brought his two teenage daughters.

Do you know that more than 16,800 supermarket trolleys worth of otherwise-discarded food are donated to needy families per year? To me that's a really jaw dropping number. My salute goes towards the generous donors, volunteers and helpers for such laudable graciousness and kind! I think most of us are living largely-comfortable lives and are not well-informed of the needy families, school children and elderly who ask for not much but 3 meals, to spend a day outdoors or a simple cake to celebrate their birthdays.

Was glad to be able to put in my bit part. We sorted out 2 pallets of donated food and packed 2 pallets which will be distributed to centres in the neighbourhood. It's not much, but every bit counts. Every packet of rice, every sachet of milo, every tin of button mushrooms - they go towards filling the stomach of a hungry school kid or lonely senior citizen - and warming their hearts at the same time.

We can do more, Singaporeans!

Monday, December 12, 2016

THE $20,000 JOB!

That's my buddy up there, with a 20% chance of bagging $20k!!!


Trumpspired he was, when he participated purely out of fun and for a free beer his friend promised if he just signed up. YOU SEE! BO TRY BO ZAI!!!

All the best Busy Roys! We will be rooting for you!!!

Trumpspired I shall be, too!! Going to buy 4D!!!

Tuesday, December 06, 2016

X'mas Light-up gig

Colleagues liked the old school x'mas songs we played!
Feliz Navidad, Joy to the World and We Wish You a Merry Christmas.

There was a drinks bar serving cocktails too! Live music + food + alcohol = recipe for a fun evening at work.

I got too enthusiastic strumming and my n-year-old ruan pick gave way! That's the last of my picks from ruan-playing days... :(

you will be loved

Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...