Tuesday, January 31, 2017


ST; 18 Jan

Undoubtedly one of the more notable events that happened during my stint, this episode has finally seen the end of the tunnel. I hardly touch the newspapers these days and it was fateful this article was published on that one day I took MC and therefore had the time to read the newspapers at my parents’ home. 

So the bus driver was acquitted, judge decided that the evidence against him was inadequate and not conclusive that the driver was at fault. I remembered back in 2013 the sensitivity of investigation my team and I conducted on the bus. Every touch required permission from and scrutinization by the watchful eyes of the authorities. The team put in our best men and effort to satisfy the requests of the authorities. 

This unfortunate incident was one that nobody wished for and I hope this verdict gives closure to the deceased's family.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

We survived!

Despite travelling with 3 kids, flying on notorious Airasia and not having an itinerary!

At Cheong Fatt Tze mansion, a UNESCO heritage site.

What made the trip enjoyable was the superbly comfortable and fully furnished airbnb that comes with a mesmerizing paranomic ocean view!

Only $150 per night

Reading corner

Like a loft with mega high ceiling
Things learnt about Penang:
1) The exchange rate makes everything super duper cheap! For eg. the 1/4 chicken with 2 sides meal at Nandos is RM20.80 = S$7? That's equivalent to a KFC 2 piece meal.
2) Uber is super easy, cheap and accessible. Everywhere we went to, we requested for 7-seater and they were always available and within 5-10 mins arrival.
3) The malls are very clean and baby friendly! In fact they are like the malls in Sg. Be prepared to spend like a king because you can.

How much we spent (per family):
Air tix = $355
Insurance = $21
Accom = $152
Expenses = $150
Total = $678

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Tomorrow this time

I shall be indulging in my favourite Penang Assam Laksa! Hokkien mee! Fried kway teow! Chendol!


I'm not feeling abit excited leh....

Still nursing a cold and runny nose. SOB SOB! :(

Anyway, hoping the weather will be kind on us! And that the babies behave themselves! 

Monday, January 09, 2017

Penang here we come!

The hotel we booked in Penang! Double storey, loft-like apartment can accomodate 4 adults and 2 children, overlooks the ocean, has an infinity pool!

This' gonna be super relac and nua in hotel type of holiday!!

Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...