Friday, May 12, 2017

Hong Kong Hong Kong 和你在一起

A couple of 'firsts' from our daring trip out of Singapore:
- 1st trip out of Singapore less baby
- 1st time being away from baby for more than 2 days.

Not possible if my parents aren't amazing and willing primary caretakers! =)=)=)

Back in February I overheard my colleague mentioning Kris Flyer miles, and it made me realised I have a sizeable amount expiring soon? So I logged in and found it was indeed true! If I don't take any action within 2 months, I would lose about a few tens of dollars equivalent of Kris Flyer miles. Click click click - wow and tickets to HK were affordable, just $250 for a return ticket over a long weekend??! Redeemed all our miles (accumulated from CC promotions, payment of wedding banquet) and paid only... $6. If not shiok then what????!

Off we jetted! Couldn't be more happy to lounge in the plane seat and watch our movies without interruption! :D

Highly recommend Causeway Corner service apartment ($184/night). Direct express bus from the airport. Right smack outside Causeway Bay MTR and so many amenities and eateries along the same street. Room is big, clean and quiet. Powerful Grohe shower. Lift is fast and clean. COMES WITH HARBOUR VIEW!

How often do you get a scenic view from your HK hotel room? 

Had a list of eateries to check out - roast pigeon, cart noodles, roast goose, porridge, egg tart etc. But other than eating we ran out of activities to do haha. So we also went shopping and visited the HK history musuem.

Not forgetting my favourite pastime - riding on the ding dong tram!

Eating lots of my favourite street food...

Mixed beef innards (30 HKD)

And creamy scrambled eggs at Capital Cafe, dubbed the 'civilised' competitor to Australian Diary...

I personally thought Aust's scrambled eggs were better, minus the service

Eat so much must work it off right? And we went hiking at the famed Dragon's Back Trail! Only 1-hr up and 1-hr down, leisurely to me but wifey was complaining complaining along the way... D: Told her she walked 2-3 times further during our Europe honeymoon and that seemed to spur her on abit. =P

Stoked at the start of the trek (To Tei Wan)

On the last morning before we left for the airport, we were in a mad rush to find the glorious food we came here for. Stuffed in wanton mee, roast duck rice, egg tart, Cafe de Coral and yes, wifey's po lo yau!

Bye Hong Kong... see you in a few years...

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