Sunday, December 31, 2017

A parent's love

There are some emotions one isn't even aware of, until one has become a parent. The emotions of overwhelming happiness when baby smiles at you; amazement when baby's gaze fixates on you; dejectedness when baby rejects you; disappointment and anger when kid defies or talks back at you; and perhaps the strongest emotion is that of love, when reunited with child/children at the end of the day, or when baby comes crying into your arms after a fall.

Since becoming a parent myself, I realised - I have become more aware and conscious of my own emotions. It's like my emotions have become magnified and whenever I'm with my family, especially with my daughter, every negative emotion is swept away. Joy, contentment, fulfillment and love fill my heart, and family has become ever more important in life than anything else. Since becoming a parent myself, I learnt that a parent's love for his/her child is unrivalled and beyond compare.

Which is why, this article is truly heart-wrenching and depressing for any parent to read:

Every parent has their own way of parenting. No parenting style is the same, but the magnitude of their love for their child is. Looking back at my growing up years, I am reminded my parents were stern, fierce, very strict and unreasonable at times. But now, I feel regretful I reciprocated their love with rude stares, defiant talking back and passive rebellion, for when I was at that age, I didn't have the emotional capacity to understand their rationale behind what they did or what they said.

But now I do.

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