Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Funny things Yx say

23 Feb 18
Had the afternoon off and brought Yx for a bus ride and to the OTH library! While at the library she peered out of the glass window and onto the road below.

Yx: "I see a bus on the ...."

(Thoughtful look)
She asked me: "'马路'英文是什么?"

Me: "Road."

Yx continues: "I see a bus on the road."

Towards bilingualism, my girl!

26 Feb 18
Yx super loves food now, especially cookies. Since it's the CNY season our house is stacked with CNY cookies, and we let her try nibbles of them. Yx absolutely loves them, always clambering up and asking for a bite when she sees us eating.

So yesterday I was snacking on pineapple tarts and she ran towards me and asked to have some. When she's in this mood she's easily bribed so I usually take the opportunity to reiterate what she has learnt e.g. chinese poem, zodiac animals, modes of transportation, etc. Armed with a pineapple tart within her sight, I asked her:

"Do you want this? Say 'A to Z' first."

Yx, totally meaning it"A to Z."

My parents and I LMAO! 

About 2 months ago
(At my in laws' place)

Me to Yx: "We are leaving now, say bye bye to Popo."

Yx says softly and not looking in the direction of Popo: "Bye bye~"

Me to Yx: "讲大大声! (Say loudly!)"

Yx obeys, looking at Popo this time: "大大声! (Loudly!)"

Other things she learnt from school

- As tall as giraffe, as short as dwarf
- The word 'pattern'
- Songs like "Jump jump in this way", "I need to wash my hands", "Hokey Pokey" etc.
- Mimicking her teacher; "Sit down, I will catch you!", "Children, read this book."

My dear wyx, 2 years 5 months, still impressing and making us laugh everyday :)

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Found a new pastime which can also come under my list of #retirementpastime -

Fixing scaled-down plastic models:

(images from google)

Requisities: large amount of patience, excellent eyesight, meticulosity and nimble fingers.

I spent 75 mins and only completing steps 1 and 2 =O. Still work in progress... but looking forward to the final product!

Monday, February 19, 2018

Happy Lunar New Year!

Yessssssssssssssssss my favourite season is here again!
Chinese New Year!!! Dong dong chianggg! Yx loves it too, she sings and claps very enthusiastically to cny music everytime, and requests to watch lion dance performance on YouTube!

Noobish attempt at creating a "dog" impression. Looks more like a mao mao lion dance.

Wishing everyone a healthy year, smile more and work hard, and enjoy the company of your family and friends! :)

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

My first I-See-Tea

Was forgotten for 13 years after I ORD, and I packed my FBO eagerly and booked in excitedly for my first I-See-Tea 5-9 Feb 2018!

Thank goodness for Grab Hitch, I only paid $15 for an early morning comfortable ride. Coincidentally, my I-See-Tea camp is the same as my previous camp during service. As I passed the security check and walked into the camp, memories from 13 years ago flowed back. The foyer where we falled in, the changing room where we slept in, the office where I worked at.

So anyway I was happy to see a few familiar faces, including my batch mates Jarrod and Gary! Must really confess that I have affinity with Jarrod; do you believe that apart from being neighbours in the same estate, we were in the same:

- Kindergarten
- Primary School (also attended tuition together)
- Army vocation
- Uni course
- And now, I-See-Tea unit!!!?

At the In-Pro centre where everyone gathered, immediately one can tell who is lao jiao (old bird) and who is new bird. The latter arrived early, decked in neat uniform and polished boots, and followed instructions and brought the whole FBO along, together with a bag of personal items (in preparation for stay-in). The former did everything opposite, lol. Anyway, I wasn't the only one serving my first I-See-Tea, but still, many returned me :O faces when I told them I ORD 13 years ago.

So the week's programme was live firing at the state-of-the-art MMRC aka indoor firing range (with air-con). My first time handling the SAR21 and was impressed at its ease of use and accuracy rate! The whole Co. received $200 each as reward for marksmanship. We also did IPPT and man, was I pleased to clear my IPPT window with Silver so early in the year! :D

Was a great time mingling with old friends and going for canteen breaks and talking cock... good thing was that I could book out on 4 days and spend some time with my family too.

For remembrance sake, this the only capture I took of my 1st I-See-Tea :


Ye can finally read!

Just to note down that at 5.5 years old something in Ye's brain suddenly clicked! She can read to some extent now!