Thursday, April 19, 2018

Funny things Yx says

On usual weekday mornings, when I'm done with brushing up and changing, yx will still be in slumber and wake up groggily only when I carry her over to my parents' place. This morning, as I stepped out of the bathroom, I noticed that yx had already woken up, and was resting herself comfortably on the bolster.

Upon seeing me, she pointed excitedly at a spot on the bed and exclaimed, "你看, 你看 (look at this!"

Yx sounded victorious. I glanced over and discovered a wet spot on the bed... Gua gua gua... Okay so her diaper had just leaked, and she felt it was an amazing sight....  -_____-


2 days ago Yx was playing by herself in the living room when suddenly she called out to nai nai, "wo de jiao zhan bu dao ti shang liao (my feet can't stand on the ground anymore)!" And then she started tearing!

Concerned, my mom went over and checked on her, and realised that Yx, after sitting cross-legged for some time, had developed pins and needles in her legs HAHA!


Don't belittle the 2 hours that Yx spends at daily playgroup, she learns and absorbs many things during that short period of time. Sometimes, Yx surprises us with new nouns and songs we've never taught her before.

For example:

- Yx is able to make a rectangle using her fingers, and describe it as "2 sides long, 2 sides short"

- We've been teaching her this (in)famous Chinese rhyme, which Yx is familiar with and is able to repeat the entire thing by herself:

"大头大头, 下雨不愁, 我有雨伞, 有大头"

So one day, my sis was repeating it with Yx and it went like this:

Sis: "大头大头, 下雨...?"

Yx: "不愁"

Sis: "有雨伞, 有...?"

Yx: "Raincoat." 

We've never taught her this word before, figured she picked it up from school! HAHA!

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Life is Fragile

Forewarning: Depressing post

It is most unfortunate this blog's 1000th post has to be a sad one.

Received a super devastating news yesterday... my bro's future brother-in-law met with a road accident and passed away almost on the spot. It was no fault of his; he was travelling in a passenger car when a van collided into his vehicle. And the tragic irony was - both drivers escaped unscathed.

To receive news of a loved one's passing is devastating...
To receive news of a loved one's SUDDEN passing? I don't have a word for it. The feeling's indescribable.

Also just learnt that my cousin-in-law will be going bald later this year, in support for Hair for Hope. Her motivation is to support her two close friends who were diagnosed with cancer this year.

Life is fragile. Whether you like it or not, death is the end for everyone. There's nothing one can do. The question is just when - sooner or later; and how - sudden, in a blink of an eye, or torturous, painfully over a period?

Was googling for an image to end off this post with a suitable photo for "Life is fragile" -

... but I wasn't able to decide on ONE image, for every phrase, every abstract in the images seem to describe and illustrate so aptly, so aptly that our lives are weaker, more fragile and more delicate than we think we are.

We are like glass.

Pray that the deceased's family will be granted strength through this difficult time.

Monday, April 09, 2018

wyx2 at 31 months

Haven't been noting down Yx's milestones for quite some time. 

Boasting a wide repertoire of nouns and vocabulary (mostly learnt from what we say at home), Yx is very conversant and is able to understand most things you ask/tell her. She's also very observant and has a very good memory, she can remember what she heard us say and repeat the majority of it. So Yx is like a very chatty friend, just very tiny, haha.

Nightly activity - reading out to her

- She can remember who the clothes/ shoes/ bag / cups belong to! For example there is a stack of laundry. Pick up every piece and she is able to tell you who they belong to. When it is her laundry, she will ask who bought it, and she remembers it by heart after that. That's amazing la!

- Does not like to see her dabian. Will close her eyes and if she sees her dabian, she will retch. Seriously!

- Has a very acute sense of smell. Slightest hint of dabian smell and she will be covering her nose.

- Does not like to be interrupted when she's in the midst of an activity, but will be ready for you once she is done. For example, if we ask her to go shower or drink milk when she's doing sth (e.g. flipping through books or doing colouring), prying her away physically will incur her violent protests and cries. However, if you ask nicely, she will reply, "Later, 等一下."

When she is done, she will run to you and announce, "我来了 (I'm coming)!"

- Can feed herself but very much prefers being fed. -____- Okay, on the positive side it is less messy...

- Likes Barney still but not as much. Has been exposed to and enjoys cartoon songs from Dragon Tales, Thomas the Train, Let it Go and a few from Lion King and Moana. 

 - Poses for photos:

- Verbalises who she wants for company. She requested I walk her to school today:

And so we were outside my parents' door waiting for the lift:

Yx to nai nai: "你煮我的粥."

Nai nai replied: "今天有salmon! (which is her favourite meat nowadays)"

Yx replied: "Ok! 今天没有 ABC soup." --> (she knows what there is, and what there isn't)

Money saving tips

Hi guys, I admit I'm not the most financially savvy guy you know, but I do have more than sufficient knowledge to engage in an intellectual kopitiam talk.

Sharing some tips to make the most of your money!

1) Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS) 

Did you know, other than bearing children and topping up CPF for self/dependents, there are other ways to reduce your personal income tax? SRS is such a gem! Thanks for my old friend CT for sharing with me (he had vested interest though), I signed up for it and saved not a meagre amount in tax payable!

Find out your total chargeable income, which is your total earned income less deductibles and reliefs:


A few illustrations:

Scenario 1)

Your total chargeable income is $40k-$80k.

If you invest $10k into SRS, you save $10k x 7% = $700!

Scenario 2)

Your total chargeable income is $80k-$120k.

If you invest $10k into SRS, you save $10k x 11.5% = $1,150!

Scenario 3) 

Your total chargeable income is $91,000. Say you did not put money into SRS. Your tax payable (refer to 4th row of the Table above) is $4,615 which is made up of:

- First $80k - $3,350; and
- Next $40k - $11k x 11.5% = $1,265.

However, should you have transferred $12,000 into SRS, immediately your taxable income ($91,000 - $12,000 = $79,000) would have been downgraded to the next lower bracket! Your tax payable (refer to 3rd row of Table) would have been  $3,280:

- First $40k - $550; and
- Next $40k - $39k x 7% = $2730.

So you would have achieved cash savings of $4,615 - $3,280 = $1,335! No questions asked!


The above illustrations show that the more you earn, the more savings SRS provides. Sounds very good right? But like anywhere else, take free sample and give freebie also must have a limit right?

a) The maximum amount per year one can deposit in SRS is $15,300.

b) Well, of course the SG Gahmen doesn't give free lunch (with the SG Savings Bonds a surprising exception); there is penalty for withdrawing the money before 62 yo; and even if you withdraw after 62, you can't withdraw 100% overnight. Do read up and find out more on SRS (

c) And some may argue the opportunity cost of locking in that amount of money is very high. Say one buys REIT stocks with $15k, the returns p.a. are estimated 5-8% = $750 - $1200. Well, good news for you - you may use your SRS money to buy stocks and unit trusts, and also endowment plans! So I think the only disadvantage of locking in your money in SRS is if you need significant cash in the mid to long term? E.g. changing car, purchasing 2nd property, starting a biz etc.

2) Keep a repertoire of Credit Cards handy - always!

Illustration: the overrated Passion Card

When I paid $12 to sign up for a 5-year Passion Card membership some years ago, it was only for 1 benefit in mind - it gives you $1 off KFC chicken set meals. Considering I need only 2 years or less to eat 12 KFC meals, it was an economic decision.
<2 12="" a="" at="" ause="" card="" centres="" community="" courses="" does="" eat="" economic="" for="" how="" is="" kfc="" know="" lame...="" like="" often="" one="" otherwise="" p="" passion="" purchase.="" quite="" sign="" this="" times="" to="" up="" was="" years="" you="">
But anyway my Passion Card is the POSB-linked one, so it's just in my wallet as it doubles as my ATM cum Ez-link card. And anyway last weekend we dined at Sakae Sushi, I was footng the bill when the cashier asked if I had Passion Card. I flashed it and YES I GOT $10 off my final bill!!!! Before discounts my bill was like $48, so the discount worked out to be like 21% off WOW!? Yes, #dontsaybojio, flash your Passion Card at Sakae Sushi and enjoy $10 discount with min. spending of $40 before taxes and charges.

Signing off for now,
the giam siap Singaporean uncle

Thursday, April 05, 2018

See you soon in a bit, mate!

Hoping we will be in time for the Perth Royal Show too!

#SQPromo #dontsaybojio

2 adults for $973!

Tuesday, April 03, 2018

人情味 at Gunung Lambak (Mount Lambak)

Kluang is a small town in Johor state of Peninsula Malaysia. my family are familiar with Kluang as my mom's sister lived there with her family. It is also a 30-min drive from my maternal grandma's hometown, so we would often have meals (Tangkak beef noodle, Cin Cin restuarant, The Star restaurant, assam fish etc) at Kluang.

Some months ago, Kluang was starred in one of the Channel 8 variety shows. Shortly after that coincidentally we chatted about it with er gu and er gu zhang, and they were super excited to visit! In addition, despite being in their seventies, they lead very active lifestyles and when they learnt of Mt. Lambak they were stoked. So, many years after first learning of Mt. Lambak at Kluang, I finally organised a short trip up north with wifey's family and extended family.

(shall not talk about the most horrible jam encountered in our lives)
(shall not rant about how our driver pangseh us at 6.15am, leaving us to find our own way to Gunung Lambak)

We commenced the hike at 7.30am and reached the peak, Telecom tower, at about 9.00am.

I would break up the ascend into 5 parts:

1) The foot of the mountain started easy, because the path was a wide, well paved road. Many elderly folks were strolling and doing their morning stretches.

2) About 10 mins later, the path led into rocky, sandy soil of a slight gradient. One could walk easily. There were sufficient shelter provided by the medium height trees and foliage.

3) 15 mins later - you would reach mid summit, marked out by this characteristic signboard you won't miss:

4) From here on, the ascend comprised steep climbs and rocky ground. Though challenging, it was made easier with the ropes and sturdy trees and branches.

Very cool weather underneath the thick foliage, hence not perspiring much (yet)

See! Morning rays peeking through the tree tops! 100m more to the summit!

5) Finally, the summit! All your efforts rewarded with a panaromic view overlooking Kluang city and the mountain ranges in the background:

Is this Malaysia?

Beware the monyet(s) eyeing your snacks 


Man, I must say the hike was more challenging than my expectations! Though there were steps carved out and ropes for climbers to hold on to, many of the steps were very steep and slippery (due to morning dew I assume). Had it not been for my long limbs and climbing stick, I would have slipped on the soil, fell on my buttocks or perhaps scrapped my knees.

I was madly impressed by the fitness and agility of er gu and er gu zhang (in their early seventies) - they were slow but steady and completed the two-way journey in 4.5 hours. Sore muscles and aching joints aside, they were absolutely delighted and radiantly beaming from a newfound sense of accomplishment! IDOLS!!!

I always enjoyed hiking and trekking, so I enjoyed Gunung Lambak too. Thankful for cool and dry weather for making the hike more enjoyable, I also found company throughout with the two teenage brothers (surprised we shared a few common topics after all, despite the huge age gap lol). What stood out for me from the experience was the thick sense of 人情味 (human social relationship) we encountered, such as:

- Stranger hikers were greeting one another as they crossed paths. Many said 'Hello' to us!
- Came across a skinny elderly makcik in her late sixties who was slowly making her way up. I complimented her, "Wah, awak pandai ah (wah, you are awesome)!" I learnt this was her 3rd time up Mt. Lambak, and her previous time was 40 years ago. WOW! Mt. Lambak must hold some brilliant memories for her.
- At the peak, a group of local auntie uncle friends from Kulai were resting. One of them was distributing her homemade tea leaf eggs. She warmly offered them to me and insisted that I should take them. Turned out to be the best tea leaf eggs I've ever eaten!

Enjoying lovely food with mesmerizing scenery

And of course, the angel who made the climb possible. So what happened was that our driver was supposed to pick us up at 6.15am but was uncontactable for 45 mins. Having already woken up early and fully geared up, we decided we would walk to the main road and flag down a teksi to take us to G. Lambak.

Halfway walking out, we tried our luck asking for hitch rides (native method using our thumbs signalling to passing vehicles, not using Grab), but to no avail.... 10 mins later we finally succeeded getting a driver to stop to hear our plea. The Chinese lady offered to drive us there without hesitation. Said she, "大家都是运动人士." G. Lambak wasn't along the way for her so she was really kind to drive us all the way (20 mins drive).

We felt mighty grateful to receive such warmth from a stranger. We chatted happily and exchanged contacts. Li Mei jie even offered to bring us around Kluang, if we were to visit again next time. Such an angel!


Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...