Thursday, April 19, 2018

Funny things Yx says

On usual weekday mornings, when I'm done with brushing up and changing, yx will still be in slumber and wake up groggily only when I carry her over to my parents' place. This morning, as I stepped out of the bathroom, I noticed that yx had already woken up, and was resting herself comfortably on the bolster.

Upon seeing me, she pointed excitedly at a spot on the bed and exclaimed, "你看, 你看 (look at this!"

Yx sounded victorious. I glanced over and discovered a wet spot on the bed... Gua gua gua... Okay so her diaper had just leaked, and she felt it was an amazing sight....  -_____-


2 days ago Yx was playing by herself in the living room when suddenly she called out to nai nai, "wo de jiao zhan bu dao ti shang liao (my feet can't stand on the ground anymore)!" And then she started tearing!

Concerned, my mom went over and checked on her, and realised that Yx, after sitting cross-legged for some time, had developed pins and needles in her legs HAHA!


Don't belittle the 2 hours that Yx spends at daily playgroup, she learns and absorbs many things during that short period of time. Sometimes, Yx surprises us with new nouns and songs we've never taught her before.

For example:

- Yx is able to make a rectangle using her fingers, and describe it as "2 sides long, 2 sides short"

- We've been teaching her this (in)famous Chinese rhyme, which Yx is familiar with and is able to repeat the entire thing by herself:

"大头大头, 下雨不愁, 我有雨伞, 有大头"

So one day, my sis was repeating it with Yx and it went like this:

Sis: "大头大头, 下雨...?"

Yx: "不愁"

Sis: "有雨伞, 有...?"

Yx: "Raincoat." 

We've never taught her this word before, figured she picked it up from school! HAHA!

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