Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Bye to 2019 and to the decade!

It's 2020. Believe it. The first year of yet another decade. OMGGGG. How did 2010-2019 pass??!

Time for a yearly review...

Review of targets set for 2019:

- Achieve Silver for IPPT

Result: Failed. 

I really hate the new system la. It's tweaked to decrease the number of people who fail. It is very very easy to pass and if you're a little bit less pathetic, pass with incentive ($300). But at the same time it's made it more difficult to achieve silver. I trained harder than last year but it was really tough to break through.

- Be more involved at work

Result: Yes, albeit in terms of CCAs. Was heavily involved in WCACEF, Charity Comm and then WIP for SA2020. My primary job not so. Was actively looking for a transfer and there were a few opportunities: 1) PM for SAA Spatial Transformation; 2) Head(FM) for SAA and 3) BMEP. After considering many factors, I decided on 3. No doubt the job will be busier but it will be more fulfilling and allow increased exposure to mgmt and the industry. To be effective 2 Jan 2020!

- Bless Yx with a healthy sibling

Result: TG for a healthy baby :)

- Try to spend less money

Result: Maintained our financial situation, which is sustainable and good.


Reflections of 2019:

I went to the gym many times this year! Feel so proud at how disciplined I was, lol. Started going once a week in June to serve as training for ippt. A few years later, I was surprised to see and feel the effects on my body. I actually developed bigger biceps! They're not a size to show off but they're definitely 100% firmer and felt more 'solid'. After my ippt, I continued to visit the gym once a week. It wasn't easy; to go to the gym firstly I had to convince my lazy body; secondly it was the sian decision to forgo usual lunch/kopi with my talk cock lunch clique! But every gym session was gratifying from the increase in adrenaline and the calming hot shower thereafter... and I would reward myself with a bowl of thai beef noodles. HAHA. But as time would tell, I became lazier and lazier and gave excuses to myself... weekly gym became fortnightly became triweekly... =X

No amount of words can describe the gratitude and appreciation I have towards my family and in-laws for all the help we've received. Cliche as it sounds - it takes a village to raise a child, let alone two children with one being an infant! Truly thankful for all the extra hands and legs to allow us a breather every now and then, or when the need arises.

No new updates.

Next, a quick recap of the monthly highlights in 2019!

January - 
Cruise with in-laws on Genting Dream. Very shiok, ate like a king, entertained non-stop.

March - 
Casual visit to Bangkok (again lol).

April -
Silver for WSHC Contest. Proud achievement sia.
LO (3rd time in my career liao!) for Wcacef, enjoyed the camaraderie with my colleagues nonetheless.

Act cool like boyband only

This fruit tart was simply unforgettable. I kept stuffing myself with it cos it was just plain delicious!

May -
Was invited by INSPIRIT to be one of the panel speakers for Advisory.sg's Discovery Series.This was a session targeted at youths who're considering a career in aviation/engineering fields. I felt really privileged to have the opportunity to share my experiences and insights!

July - 
Long-awaited Busy Roys' wedding. I was the emcee for their outdoor solemnization ceremony. Many asked Roy and Hm if they engaged a professional, hahaha.

Felt grateful to be a great part of Busy's big day before babywye popped a few hours later!

October - 
Simple ukulele performance at SAA's annual cultural night.

Busiest time of the year running the Charity Event. Proud moment of the year seeing to the planning and successful operation of the event. Received many positive reviews from management and guests.

My trophy cheque-mates who made it great

November - 
My first biggest scale performance at our company's DnD. Was my idea, we successfully integrated ukulele with the ATS acoustic band and we entertained the crowd with a few songs that got the audience whipping out their mobile phones and swaying the flashlights macam concert! Bucket list ticked... :)

We were on stage for 30 mins or so, but the preparatory work was immense. From the selection of songs to the recruitment of players, to the many hours jamming together at an old school music room at Aljunied (which was dam fun by the way), and not forgetting the countless times I looped the same songs over and over again every night.


Targets for 2020:

1) Be prominent in my new work role.

Actionables: Pick up quickly to establish myself as the primary officer in-charge. Speak up during meetings. Be involved.

2) Train earlier for IPPT.

Actionable: Weekly gym 2 months' in advance. (dreading it as I'm typing this...)

And stay healthy and free from illnesses! Being sick compromises on the quality of time spent with my family.

Have a fruitful year too, my friends!

Thursday, January 02, 2020

Amusing drawing by wyx

Yx is recently into drawing and writing. Very much. She would grab a marker and paper and sit down at her table, fully engrossed in letting her creative juices flow. She also learnt how to write words by referring to her books.

Love how randomly funny her drawings are. Sometimes she draws us and/or her friends. Sometimes she draws cars. Sometimes she writes random words in erroneous spellings. Presenting an example:

At the top right: Bob and Larry, from her favourite DVD cartoon 'VeggieTales' (below image from google). She drew them from her memory.

Centre left: Herself (labelled), with a red face. Wifey asked why her face was like that, and Yx replied it was because she was angry that mama wanted her to eat potato. You can see a chicken hand (apparently mama's hand) holding a round thing (potato). LOLOLOL this kid!

Some other drawings:

That's YE laying on my lap

Yx waking up papa, but she is sad because papa asked for 1 more min.

YE at school