Thursday, January 02, 2020

Amusing drawing by wyx

Yx is recently into drawing and writing. Very much. She would grab a marker and paper and sit down at her table, fully engrossed in letting her creative juices flow. She also learnt how to write words by referring to her books.

Love how randomly funny her drawings are. Sometimes she draws us and/or her friends. Sometimes she draws cars. Sometimes she writes random words in erroneous spellings. Presenting an example:

At the top right: Bob and Larry, from her favourite DVD cartoon 'VeggieTales' (below image from google). She drew them from her memory.

Centre left: Herself (labelled), with a red face. Wifey asked why her face was like that, and Yx replied it was because she was angry that mama wanted her to eat potato. You can see a chicken hand (apparently mama's hand) holding a round thing (potato). LOLOLOL this kid!

Some other drawings:

That's YE laying on my lap

Yx waking up papa, but she is sad because papa asked for 1 more min.

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And so, the inevitable... She was very looking forward to it.