Tuesday, April 27, 2021


Recently, this Korean acappella group's rendition of iPhone/Windows/Samsung phone ring and alert tones went viral on social media:

Little did thousands of people (myself included) know that this group, by the name of Maytree, is extremely successful and awesome!

I browsed their Youtube channel and boy, was I blown away by their cover of pop songs! Sharing a few of my favs below for your listening pleasure:

And this bassist is DA ROCK!

Their best testimonial has to be the countless 'likes' and comments on their channels. Seriously underrated and under-subscribed! Maytree is unbelievably good! I discovered their channel just a few days ago and have spent a few hours watching their vids lol. Their faces are rather likeable (and amicable) and their live showmanship is superb as well! 😍 I honestly wish for them to make it bigger on the music stage!

One fan even described Pentatonix as the "Western Maytree". 😝


P/S: I was today years old when I realised one could insert emoticons on blogger... XD

Looking forward to...

Staycay at Sentosa!

I've always not been a fan for local staycations, for I find that it's not a wise use of money. Firstly my own home and King sized bed are extremely comfortable and cosy; secondly, technically you're only away from home for less than 24 hours - before you even know it it's time to check-out and return home to start on those goddamn chores e.g. laundry, floor that you temporarily put back on? So yup, I'd rather spend that $200-$300 elsewhere la.

However, given the recent circumstances:

1. Not able to travel (and how else to utilise my leaves?);

2. Gahmen gives $100 tourist voucher;

3. RWS has a 2nd night at 50% offer; and

4. We want to check out SEA Aquarium for the kids anyway,

We decided to contribute some money to the local economy lor. Haha. Hoping for good weather and all to be well during the 3d2n stay!

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Resilience can be trained

Came across this article:

Key takeaways:

If you are lucky enough to never experience any sort of adversity, we won’t know how resilient you are. It’s only when you’re faced with obstacles, stress, and other environmental threats that resilience, or the lack of it, emerges: Do you succumb or do you surmount?

...change their explanatory styles from internal to external (“Bad events aren’t my fault”), from global to specific (“This is one narrow thing rather than a massive indication that something is wrong with my life”), and from permanent to impermanent (“I can change the situation, rather than assuming it’s fixed”) made them more psychologically successful and less prone to depression. The same goes for locus of control: not only is a more internal locus tied to perceiving less stress and performing better but changing your locus from external to internal leads to positive changes in both psychological well-being and objective work performance. The cognitive skills that underpin resilience, then, seem like they can indeed be learned over time, creating resilience where there was none.

Monday, April 12, 2021

Babywye's milestones at 20m

Last photo with this funky shades until she broke it 20 mins later

Realised I don't pen down babywye's milestones as faithfully as I did with her sister's. Is it #2ndchildsyndrome? Haha. It could be. Like, not as much novelty and amazement when you see your child achieving certain things e.g. singing a song, both feet in the air jumping etc.

Shall attempt to do so! She's 20m and 3 weeks now. Photos are from within the past month.

  • Able to recite 1-10 in both English and Mandarin really quickly!
  • Recognises who the clothes in the laundry belong to (like her sister! Is it a baby thing?)
  • Can sing the first and second lines of "twinkle twinkle little star"
  • Understands and able to follow simple sentences, such as "go to xxx and do xxx", "come and change diapers", "tell jie jie to xxx", "do you want to eat/bathe/sleep?", etc
  • Very active, likes to climb and jump and roll around
  • Can identify more than 30 animals (thanks to flash cards)
  • Reads on her own sometimes, but not more than 2 mins
  • Plays on her own sometimes, but not more than 5 mins
  • Enjoys watching Simple Songs and Wiggles
  • Quite adept at feeding herself, as in she holds the spoon quite steadily and can put the food cleanly in and out of her mouth
  • Likes to eat almost anything, asks specifically for vegetables and egg
  • Able to take minimal degree of spicy food! Her reaction is, "辣,辣" before asking for water, but she doesn't scream or grimace
  • Informs us when she has peed/pooed but she can't differentiate the two yet
  • Asks for jiejie when she wakes up
  • When she sees us lying down, she slams on our bodies and says, "爸爸,起来!" (learnt this from her sis)
  • Drinks 150ml for breakfast, 120-150ml for tea break and 150-180ml before bed
  • Loves to eat almost anything and everything, curious to try what others are eating. Favourite foods are egg, blueberries, strawberry, kiwi
  • Able to lift both feet off the ground when she jumps!

  • Can't really grip and use the pen well
  • Doesn't like swimming, wails when near the pool (like her sister!)

Yx drawings

Yx is into writing now.

She used to be very worried about getting words spelt wrongly, and after much encouragement, she dares to conjure up the words as she imagines them to be. 

We give her 5 stars for her effort and courage.

Another 5 stars for her very neat handwriting too!

Are you able to make out the items in her "mannou" (menu)?

Friday, April 09, 2021

Yx drawings


Yx enjoys ballet and it can be seen from the things she draws

Eye check with Ah gu at Suntec City

Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...