Tuesday, April 27, 2021


Recently, this Korean acappella group's rendition of iPhone/Windows/Samsung phone ring and alert tones went viral on social media:

Little did thousands of people (myself included) know that this group, by the name of Maytree, is extremely successful and awesome!

I browsed their Youtube channel and boy, was I blown away by their cover of pop songs! Sharing a few of my favs below for your listening pleasure:

And this bassist is DA ROCK!

Their best testimonial has to be the countless 'likes' and comments on their channels. Seriously underrated and under-subscribed! Maytree is unbelievably good! I discovered their channel just a few days ago and have spent a few hours watching their vids lol. Their faces are rather likeable (and amicable) and their live showmanship is superb as well! 😍 I honestly wish for them to make it bigger on the music stage!

One fan even described Pentatonix as the "Western Maytree". 😝


P/S: I was today years old when I realised one could insert emoticons on blogger... XD

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