Monday, May 31, 2021

Phase 2 HA

We're in Phase 2 Heightened Alert since 14 May? And I've been 100% wfh a week earlier than that. No dining out. Not encouraged to head out. No sch. No football.

When the highlight of the day for me is the 2-3 hours couch potato time every night after the kids sleep, it really goes to show how sian I am of this CB lite... Wish this covid shit will go away really soon.

Monday, May 17, 2021

If you love wasabi, you'll enjoy...

... having your nose swabbed for the covid-19 test!

That was how I felt when I had my virgin test done on 14 May. I didn't come into close contact with C+ cases but due to the recent surge in community cases from the airport cluster, MOH announced that everyone who were at T3 from whichever date can go for free swab tests. And my co policy made it mandatory. So I gave my "first time" an auntie nurse at Tampines St 11 clinic.

Sharing some tips to make the swab more comfortable: 

- Breathe normally. In fact, don't clench your nose because if you do, your nostrils are smaller and that grips onto the cotton bud thingy tighter, causing more discomfort;

- Close eyes, relax. While my first nostril was being rubbed, my eyes started tearing. Exactly how it feels when you eat sushi with a huge dollop of wasabi and the  choking sensation surges up your olfactory receivers. 


So anyway my swab test result came back 1 day later on a Saturday (how efficient is Singapore?). One could view your result via HealthHub app (how connected is Singapore?). My result was negative. Phew.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Gum bump

First noticed this appearing just above Yx's tooth 2 days ago. Coincidentally that tooth is the same one she fell and hit a few years ago. The gum bump, as I learnt on Google, didn't cause pain or discomfort but I bought her to the dentist nonetheless.

Dentist said it could be bacterial infection, or because of the adult tooth that is coming out. However, if it was due to the former the bump would be redder; if it was the latter the bump would be just below the tooth. So really can't pinpoint what is was. Doc recommended to extract the tooth which was already wobbly and adult tooth was coming out anyway. But in the end we said we'll monitor the situation, and come back immediately if the bump becomes red, grows in size or causes pain.

Brave yx sat through the check unfazed. She even enjoyed the cleansing and polishing and yearned to come back again soon ... 

Wednesday, May 05, 2021

1 step forward, 3 steps backward

With the rise in community cases and 9 active clusters... And we're back to Phase 2.


No more football for awhile again. 



Update: Phase 2 Heightened Alert came into effect 16 May 2021. Reduced from 5 pax to 2 pax, no dining in. WTF LAH.

Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...