Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Best sisters forever

Singing to a song from Frozen 2, when it goes "keep holding on tight to you", the girls do this:

Sweet sisters they are, really.

When Ye is crying, Yx will get a piece of tissue and dab up her tears.

When Yx was struggling and resisting against an ART test being done on her, Ye grabbed a tissue and threw it to her sister, and plonked back onto the sofa nonchalantly to watching her show. 

"It's okay," they encourage each other.

"So much fun!" They cheer when playing together.

As the younger sibling, Ye usually displays acts of rebellion and selfishness, at times even pushing and hitting her elder sister. Yx, being sensible and gentle, never retaliates nor holds it against her sister.

Yx cares and looks out for Ye.
Ye always looks for Yx for fun and company.

Here, yx was reading a book to Ye, who obviously hasn't a penchant for books, and instead went pointing at the pics within and incessantly asking, "这个是什么?”

My greatest wish is that u girls will be best friends forever.

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