Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Wye is turning 3!

Our dear En is turning 3 in a few days, gosh! Asked what cake she'd like, and she consistently and patiently answered "strawberry cake". Probed what present she'd like, but she has difficulty naming an iterm/gift. Well, guess it's a good thing then, that she doesnt' have any material want! (though she has recently persuaded us in getting a pair of Frozen jelly shoes with lights from Bata)

Capturing Ye's likes/dislikes and milestones for future reference!

- 87cm, 11kg

- Able to recite a poem by herself during Genius League class;

- Likes mushrooms. Doesn't mind bell peppers and actually most veggies;

- Just this couple of week or so, learnt (from her sis) how to put on a t-shirt on her own! Similarly capable of putting on/removing shorts/skirt. Well done!

- Likes little animals and not afraid of getting up close to them. Fed them bravely at the EcoTrail

- Started liking wearing pretty dresses, likes that the skirt can reach the floor when she kneels down

- Still uncomfortable when her hair is washed. Also afraid of swimming even if it's just sitting at the edge of the wading pool

- Likes to press lift buttons, the electronic door lock, wants to be the first to open the house door, enter the kitchen etc. Whines when she doesn't *roll eyes*

- Likes gummies and asks for it every morning. She's kind to always remember taking one for her sis at the same time.

- Has 2 bottles of milk a day 180ml each. Still likes her Nan 4 and will ask for it when she's hungry.

- Doesn't really like having clips on her hair. Tends to pull them out after some time. But is fine with ponytail. 

- Cringes when someone touches /almost touches her ear. *rolls eye again*

- Learnt how to do a ✌️ and poses with it!

- Somewhat potty trained for urine, yay! Poop not so yet cos for strange reasons she can only poop standing up! Haha.

- If she has a PM nap, she sleeps about midnight to 10ish. If she skips a nap, her wake up is about 12-13 hours and thankfully she's not the kind who'll melt down 

- Greets me "Good morning papa" when she sees me in my wfh office 😊

- Came up with the phrase from out of nowhere “很暗的名字叫wu min hui的安呢“ 

Friday, July 15, 2022

A challenging time

Extremely challenging.
Difficult and prickly users.
Tardy contractor.
Contractual issues.
Tedious gateway processes.
Cham ah!!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

The end of the world...?


Had a nightmare so vivid so frightening I woke up from my slumber. This rarely happens to me.

So I dreamt that me, wifey and the girls were holed up in what looked like an underground cave. The context was that the world was ending soon. Our shelter didn't look like much, just a table and a light or two, just bright enough to illuminate the place. But it looked cosy for our own family. 

The girls just had a shower and sat next to each other in a corner, quietly engrossed in their reading (Yes, even YE was indulged in her own book 😂). They looked so innocent and pure, so angelic and undeserving. I broke down immediately, feeling injusticed and terribly helpless. Wifey came over and consoled me.

This juncture was when I jolted up from my slumber. Seeing that I was in my own room and Yx was sleeping soundly just beside, I felt instant relief...

I suspected the nightmare was because I watched Battle: Los Angeles just before turning in 😐

But it hit hard to me how precious my kids are to me.

Monday, July 11, 2022

Lovely long weekend

What a memorable weekend. 

Not rushing to fulfill commitments, no deadlines to meet; just going to places where we desire to, leisurely strolling and makan. Maybe meet a group of friends or two. Some outdoors and adrenaline. Seeing the thrill, delight and excitement on my girls' faces. 

Cherishing the lovely memories. Thankful for being healthy and alive.

Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...