Saturday, October 29, 2022

Cute innocence of my kids

Me when I return home after a day at work:

I go to the bathroom to wash my feet and hands. Kids follow behind me and tell me how they "killed a bug without an adult's help for the first time", they were in the shower when they spotted a bug, Yx sprayed water on it until it fell onto the floor. The bug "didn't know where the floor trap was" and it swam towards and down it went.

Hahaha honestly I'm not very entertained by this kind of trivia event but I take one step back and tell myself how cute they are, how significant an event they must have felt it was that their parents needed to know.

Blessed to be in their company, witnessing their innocence, laughter and naivety.

Ye also at this age of asking the weirdest questions:

"Why do people get married?"
"Why do people grow tall?"
"Why do we need to eat?"
"Why do we need to sleep at night?"


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What a boring Friday night at home.