Monday, January 02, 2023

Yx can cycle!

Grateful to my dad who picked yx up during the December hols for bicycle lessons and patiently taught yx to cycle successfully! She was able to ride independently on the 3rd lesson. Bravo!! 👏

I was reminded that my teacher was also my dad, I was late to picking up cycling and only did so at P3. Vividly recall during a lesson I fell off the bicycle once and I was furious at my dad I said, "你讲不会让我跌倒的!" lol oops sorry 😂 I'm glad yx didn't suffer any falls under his tutelage and it's heartening to see my dad passing on his wealth of experience and knowledge to his grandchildren. Even better, I noticed dad has found a new mission to be motivated of, instead of slouching in his armchair most bit of the day...

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