Sunday, December 09, 2007

Sem 5 completed!

Haven't been in the mood to blog... hmmm. My last day of exams was on the 5th Dec, which was only a few days ago leh! Sianz. My whole exam period took about a month including revision. Really seemed like eternity. But now I feel so FREE!!! I feel energised!!! I feel liberated!!! I feel... I feel.. I feel like a bird!!!!!!!

*sings along to Natalie Imbruglia's "I'm like a bird"*

Here's a pic I took one day in the male toilet of the Central Library in school during the mugging period.

Toothbrush and Toothpaste!!!!! Need to be so kua zhang or not?!?!

Yesterday (kudos to Irritating Ivan btw for organising), we had a sing-a-long session at Partyworld at Orchard. Together wif Ivan, Frankenstein, Mr Cold Fish, and Ms Yeeeeeee who joined us later, we sang our hearts and throats out and totally enjoyed ourselves!!!! Mr Cold Fish could do his "head voice" pretty well...

*laughter and giggles in the background*

Oh yeah, I was walking hurriedly along Wisma Atria to meet them when I saw this guy. He was dressed in business attire and looked close to 27, and he had this sinister look... he was like chatting up this younger girl who only looked like she was still in lower secondary school. Later, the girl stood up and seemed to walk away offended...

About 30 secs later, the same girl came up to me.

Modelling agency.

HAHAHA. I wasn't quite interested cos have heard alot of stories from my friends. But hey, it's the first time I got approached afterall!!!!! ^_^

Irritating Ivan happened to have worked for this same company before. He commented that it's a very difficult job to do. Besides from being ignored, the pay is also meagre. Basic pay is $4.50/hr, but if you can get 100 names only they increase it up to $6!!


Anyways, back to the gathering. At 7pm, Titus and Tartar joined us for dinner. My, Orchard's restaurants were all packed and lines all forming. In the end after wandering for an hour plus, we settled for Borders Bistro.

I ordered Ribeye steak.... not fantastic. My eyes were fixed on the spaghetti the guys ordered. Big serving wif succulent mussels and prawns. :( LOL. We chatted heartedly (and enjoyed making fun of Mr Cold Fish) before making our ways home...

Love this bunch of crappy guys. =)


Oh yeah. Gonna be a Shanghai Knight tomorrow. ^________^ Yeeeeeee-Harrrrrr!!!!!!! Better enjoy the holidays to the max while we all can, dudes!

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