Friday, July 31, 2009

I (L) my Career

SMRT Long Service Award 2009.

SMRT's Got Talent -

Group Category, CHAMPION!

Our prized trophy...

The guys...

The girls...

And all of us!

Together, with mama and god mama!

Click here for our supercalifragilisticexpialidocious winning performance! =D

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

One word to describe the day -

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious - adj. A nonsense word meaning fantastic.



An interesting fact:

The longest English word is:

Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis - noun. An obscure term ostensibly referring to a lung disease caused by silica dust.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Cool helms!

Work is so far so good!

Am attached to the Safety Services Department for a month, 3 more weeks to go! So for now everyday work can be briefly described by - pen and paper in hand, checking up on safety procedures, taking pictures and jotting down notes, observing and briefing... Though might sound boring and monotonous, but I find the learning process rather interesting and my group members are super-duper fun!

Just check out our super-duper cool helmets man!!!


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

THAT side of Singapore!

Today was a day of "firsts" as well as one of an eye-opener!

For one, it's the first time I stepped onto Choa Chu Kang MRT Station platform!
I think it's my first presence at Choa Chu Kang, Teck Whye area! SHOCK!!!

2nd, I didn't know there was a mall in Singapore called Ten Mile Junction! Did you guys know?! SHOCK SHOCK SHOCK!!!

Third, I saw the SMRT's LRT for the 1st time! And rode on it!

The LRT cars by Bombardier have a very special feature known as Misty Windows. This came about as a result of residents' complaints - that the cars travel in very close proximity to their HDB homes and thus, an invasion of privacy. Misty Windows was hence innovated, the windows on the cars would become fogged up whenever they pass by HDB flats, INSTANTANEOUSLY.


When the cars travel out of distance from the flats, the windows become clear again, INSTANTANEOUSLY. IT WAS AWESOME!!! =D

Sunday, July 12, 2009

My Commencement, 11th July 2009

4 years ago I stepped into this place (UCC), innocent, immature and don't-know-sky-high-ground-thick. I still remember vividly going through the freshman inauguration ceremony, and NUS's Acapella group Resonance, performed to welcome us. 4 years later now, I am dressed proudly in graduation gown, mortar board and all, waiting in anticipation to go up on stage to receive my Degree.

Proud to present some pictures taken on my Commencement, which took place on 11th July.

(Thanks Panadol COLD relief for taking away my tiredness and sneezy nose!)


I found the commencement ceremony well-organised, planned and carried out. There was order prior to and after the ceremony, they stuck to the schedule pretty well, and even had streamers and balloons falling from the ceiling! It was brilliant!

Million thanks and appreciation to all who specially made their way down to celebrate this joyous occasion with me, like my family, blur Bee, Nikki and Lye Meng... =)

HUGE pity Busy Roys couldn't make it back in time to share Jx and I's happiness on this very special day, because he had chosen to go tour around Europe happily.

Anyway, it was a very defining moment for me, the 8 secs or so up on the stage receiving the scroll, shaking hand, smiling for the camera. Haha, I heard especially loud claps and cheers when my name was announced, SUPER THANKS to my ME clique for being so cool and enthusiastic! You guys rox! =P

The day was also memorable because I saw so many familiar faces, all smiling and happy and laughing. It felt like one big family gathering. Every step I walked, I encountered another friendly familiar face, and then we'd be like, "EH!!!!! =D How are you? Found a job? Ahhhh, good good! Come let's take a pic!"


"Hey good luck at your work, see you around man! =)"


11th July marks my official commencement, after 20 years of institutional learning. It also marks the end of one week of my career. So far, so good.

Happy graduation!

Happy commencement!

Happy commencement, to the real world! =)

Monday, July 06, 2009

First day at work

I haven't woken up at such godly hour for many months now, and yesterday night I got so worried I would just sleep past my alarm, so I set 2 separate alarm clocks. HAHA! Even so, I was still worried about not being able to wake up, that I couldn't rest well, and was in half-asleep mode since 4.06am, until my 2 alarms rang off at 6.50am. GAGAGA!

So the morning routine would be wash up, eat breakfast, get dressed, and leave house at 7.20am. (7.25am if not for my poor bicycle...). I haven't eaten at such godly hour for very long as well, and I really don't like eating bread for breakfast, I managed only to gobble down 1 bread with marmalade after 10 mins.

The journey from my doorstep to SMRT HQ doorstep takes approx. 40mins. Nice.

So when I was there, I met up with the other Management Trainees, who were also reporting for their first day of work. They were all very affable, nice and friendly and humurous, outspoken enthusiastic youths. Besides listening to some briefing, introduction and induction talks, it was good that all 17 MTs were engaged in several group activities which worked our brain juices, and tested on our articulation and corporate presentation skills, and through all these activities, we also got to know more about one another.

We also went for lunch as one big group, at the foodcourt at Raffles City. I realised if we do this everyday, we would be taking home meagre savings.

Some top management team people talked to us today, and they stressed their high expectations of us, and how we should think, act, perform and contribute, and I think from out of the 3000 over initial applications, and finally down to the 17 of us, we are indeed fortunate to have been selected, and I hope to be able to prove my credentials and repay (with value-addedness) the company's trust in my potential and capabilities.


In today's Straits Times, there was a report on the Happiest People in the World.

Number 1 was Costa Rica! And on top of that, they are also the Greenest City in the world. *applause*

Singapore ranks No. 46 if I'm not wrong? HAHAHA.

And the highest ranking country in Asia?

5 - Vietnam.


Thinking back on their disorderly order, I wonder how they manage to maintain high spirits everyday?

It might be a matter of growing up in it, and hence getting used to it.

Like the middle-aged, snobbish "policeman" in the police post at Hanoi? Haha, stay happy ya.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Goodbye my dear o' bike...

My bicycle had been with me for more than 5 years. It stood by me despite blazing sun and torrential storm, through happiness, joy, sorrow, boresomeness and all my lowest and highest points of my life. It was my old faithful buddy for many years, accompanying me to many, many places, suppers, gatherings, up the hills, down the slopes, across the grass patches, smudging thro the muddy field...

Despite its insignificant non-eye catching physical appearance, rusty old parts, bent spookes, worn out ball bearings and squigghy seat...

You will be remembered. Along with the memories and experiences.

I wish good luck to evil itchy fingers.



Am looking forward to it!


Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Times are tough... even for traffic policemen!

Times are really tough...

Today I was at the infamous traffic junction linking Tampines MRT and Tampines Mall.

I was amused when I saw a total of FIVE traffic policemen, standing on both sides of the pedestrian crossing.

2 were in white.

And the remaining 3 were in


They weren't hiding behind some pillars or some corner, all of them were in full, unobstructed view!

But a few still managed to jay-walked... and of cos, kena booked. Lol.

Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...