Sunday, August 30, 2009

Some (boring) updates

Yes I know I haven't been blogging so frequently after I started working, but seriously I don't know what to share!

But anyway, some updates? Read on if you are damn bored lol.

Remember my colleagues and I put up a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious dance/skit performance, and won SGD1000 in shopping vouchers? Yesterday, we used the remaining to organise a SUPER ATAS BBQ!


I haven't gotten the pictures of the food yet, but will definitely share with you all when I lay my hands on them!

The SUPER ATAS BBQ was an eye-opener for most of us cos we just gave "BBQ" a new branding to it! Gone are the traditional hotdogs, crabsticks, chicken wings... yesterday we had CHIPOLATA SAUSAGES, SHRIMPS AND JUICY MANGO KEBAB, SALMON IN SAMBAL, PORTOBELLO MUSHROOMS WITH MELTED ROMANO CHEESE... that's not even (1/10)th the food we prepared!!!!

But in all it was fun!!! It happened to be the only Saturday all 17 of us could make it, and coincidentally it's our last week together, cos from next week onwards we're all doing our 6 month attachment in different departments... sob sob! It was a very enjoyable time with them and we hope there'll be more gatherings! Thanks to host Berns for his great hospitality!


I need a new briefcase! The one I had is torn and tattered. Lousy quality la!!! Bought from China 2 years ago... I never use it much, and I don't throw it ard lor. It's just low-grade quality! To think during the price negotiation, the saleswoman was still bragging it's made from real cow leather.... -_-. LOL. 吹牛 lor!

But my budget is less than SGD100... I hope I can find a suitably one soon! =)

The epitome of Procrastination - is when you realise you have the bad habit and you finally do something to work on it. Thus you buy a self-help book, something like "How you can deal with your Procrastination". You are happy you finally can help yourself! But not long later, you realise your book is chucked away one corner and you haven't finished one-third of it.

That sounds like Blur Bee. And she knows it LOL!


It's September! Looking forward to clearing my 8 days' leave! =DDDD

To end off the boresome updates... share a video with you all. I couldn't believe my eyes, seriously!


Sunday, August 23, 2009

lazy weekends!

Suddenly, I realise how nice and relaxing it is - that during my free time, I do not have to worry about tutorials, catching up with school work, typing of reports and stuffs.


Hope you guys are enjoying the weekend too! =)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

random pics

One day, returned from outside and entered my room, shocked to find this on my floor.

Busy Roys, Jx and I suddenly had cravings for chicken wings that day and chomped them up, in style!!!

Guess who we met at SMRT's Family Day?

AWESOME costumes!!!

And despite there being like 250 chances, I didn't freaking win any lucky draw!!! :( always no luck!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Saturday, August 15, 2009

I wanna go for a holiday!

Maybe I'll go in December!!!


Btw, UP is a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious fabulous movie! I love the story line and the heart-warming focus on family and loved ones. And the jokes are fresh and really humurous hahaha! I watched the non 3-d one, and still loved the graphics. From the details to the shadows and outlines, it was fantastic. UP is definitely a must-watch for everyone!

My weekend is really packed with activities, but it's gonna be an enjoyable and enriching one. Saturday I'm gonna learn tchoukball! Whee! It's kinda like non-contact handball. And on Sunday 17 of us MTs gonna help out at SMRT's Family Day. LOOOOONG and tiring day ahead, but I hope that day's atmosphere will be great for everyone!!! The lucky draw prizes are really attractive btw!!!

See ya guys ard!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Pre-Graduation Photos @ CBD & NUS

Finally gotten the pics from Frankenstein Fab!

I think the photos were professionally taken... the camera man and team were experienced and very nice, much time and effort were spent dealing with details, from the tedious white-balance/contrast settings to the meticulous adjustments of postures and poses.

Here's sharing with you some of my favourite shots! =)

Below, us posing at the bus stop. "Passer-by 1" (left, in yellow) saw us posing and wanted to leave the scene, but we stopped him - cos only then the whole shot setup would look candid, unprepared and spontaneous, and thus TURN OUT COOL!!!

Nice or not? =D

Upon closer look...

It's very funny that everyone of us tried to look random (I love Fab's look hahaha)!!! Hahahha! The only thing is that Tyrann Titus was staring (and POSING, too!) dead-cool into the lens. -_- SWEET.


Anyways, I think this has to be my favourite shot!!!

Never forget where we are from! Lol.


Sunday, August 09, 2009

1 month into Chapter: Career

It's been a month since I started work on 6th July!

I say my first month had been a learning month. I made 16 new friends, networked with Management Committee and many other colleagues, and hopefully I've come to understand and assimilate into the working culture. From the current attachment at SSD, I feel I am really learning invaluable lessons of the inconspicuous background work behind SMRT. Do you know how much blood and tears go behind the hard work of maintaining the trains, buses and taxis in tip-top condition? I salute the technical officers for they have been at this job for decades; they know their jobs at the back of their hands and their contribution is not to be undermined.

As much as I have enjoyed the previous month, I know the loooooong and tedious journey has only just begun. GAMBATTE! =D

Looking forward to meeting up with ME peeps on Monday!

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Tata, Tata!

Happy Tats.

Happy Tats 2.

Forced-smile Tats.

It suddenly dawned on me, how come we didn't have a farewell for our dear o' Tata?! She's back in her home country to pursue her dreams.

You left too sudden, Tats!

I'm blaming Ms Yeeeeee for failing to notify us and organising the farewell!

On our commencement day when everyone went up on stage to collect our fake scrolls, the Prof shook hands with Tats for quite some time... They looked like they were engaging in a conversation...

Bemused, we later asked her what happened.

Prof: "Knock knock!"

Tata: "Erm. Who's there?"

Prof: "Corn."

Tata: "Corn who?"


All the best for your future endeavours, Tata! =D

Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...