Sunday, August 09, 2009

1 month into Chapter: Career

It's been a month since I started work on 6th July!

I say my first month had been a learning month. I made 16 new friends, networked with Management Committee and many other colleagues, and hopefully I've come to understand and assimilate into the working culture. From the current attachment at SSD, I feel I am really learning invaluable lessons of the inconspicuous background work behind SMRT. Do you know how much blood and tears go behind the hard work of maintaining the trains, buses and taxis in tip-top condition? I salute the technical officers for they have been at this job for decades; they know their jobs at the back of their hands and their contribution is not to be undermined.

As much as I have enjoyed the previous month, I know the loooooong and tedious journey has only just begun. GAMBATTE! =D

Looking forward to meeting up with ME peeps on Monday!

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