It is my last CAT X window (i.e. <25 years of age), am very happy that all my trainings paid off! Attained a SILVER! Hip hip hurray! Initially was very afraid of pull-ups and running, cos last week I made a shocking discovery that I had unknowingly gained 3kg over the last 2 months!!! Well, lack of mobility at work really helps -_- especially after heavy lunches! Fortunately yesterday during the IPPT, I managed to overcome the extra burden and haul myself up the pull-up bar, and across the finishing line, all for the $200 cash reward. YAY! Early birthday gift from the Garmen, heh heh. Now to wait for another 12 months...
Went to catch
2012 with Blur bee!

(WARNING: Spoilers ahead)
I found the movie captivating, graphics were fantastic too. It helps that I've been to California, Las Vegas, Washington DC and NYC before, I could recognise those places! Though abit far-fetched in the sense that the lead and his family always manages to escape in the nick of time, everything else was great... the catastrophe's not something that's not gonna happen, and therefore very interesting to see how our civilisation would be swallowed up. And you could study that there were some take-home life lessons, for e.g. selflessness, family love, humanity, money moves the world (in the case of this movie, not so literally)... and I seriously believe the person behind the storyline had a point to prove when he decided that Africa was the new place to set foot on! Coupled with that the President was also a African American... heh. Apart from that, I have something to admit- all along during the show, I had assumed that the ship they were building was a spaceship. LOL!!! But it was a technogically more advanced Noah's Ark. Hmm. I'm sure the survivors didn't survive for very long in Africa. They didn't bring enough pigs and cows for food!
But this kind of movie never fails to stir up thoughts inside me. One of them is that we must really cherish life!!!! Cos it is really fragile, and the future uncertain... make the most of it you can! start by eating more tomorrow! haha!
The other is that, if today you know you only have till 2012 to live until, what would you accomplish to complete your life? Personally I would want to travel the world... simply lay on the green grass and stare at the blue skies, eat good food... spend time with my loved ones... But what if you only have 1 month? or a week...?