Wednesday, November 04, 2009

top 10 behavioural dislikes

One of my Top 10 hates of human behaviour:

Scenario: Peak hour at MRT station. Loads of commuters queueing to exit through the fare gates.

The lady in front of you wants to tap out her ez-link, but her card is buried somewhere deep and dark inside her branded/pasar malam bag. So the lady places her bag on the scanner, in full vainless hope that the gates would just open. But no, they don't. So the lady scans her bag in another angle. Gates don't budge. She tries another position of the bag, maybe using another angle. Gates still refuse to move an inch. Finally, the lady gives up, reaches into her bag and rummages for her purse.

By that time, ten people in the queue beside have already passed and stepped out of station.

$!#@&^# Sorry, not that advanced to scan inside your bag yet.

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