Sunday, January 10, 2010

Gathering(s) with Friend(s)

The week when 2009 turned 2010 was a great one. Not only was it a 3.5 work day for me, I also met up with several groups of friends.

1) Blur bee and her sec sch clique

It was a fun day at Pasir Ris Park of potluck, amazing games, but too bad I had to leave early for...


BBQ cum countdown at Yeeeeening's place! The chicken wings were good...

3) TJC OG Coral

Possibly the ONLY OG from JC Year 1 to still have regular gatherings, I always look forward to meeting them becos there's ALWAYS bound to have news updates, haha. For example, who's still with who, who bought a flat, how he proposed etc... Seriously entering the next chapter of life, aren't we?

We had a picnic cum games session at Marina Barrage. The weather and ambience are fantastic, and Dawn & Eugene even taught us how to play the frisbee!

Below is, in my hard disk drive storage, a pic from our oldest gathering. All of us hardly changed! Haha.


Possibly the LARGEST TURNOUT in 7 years!!!

Dinner at Manhatten Fish Market at Illuma. Felt great to meet up with them again. Now everyone's got a job, some are married etc... we have 2 couples within our class, and married!!! Haha! Not very often you see that happening, do u?

When we asked around, it was (no) surprise that most of us were working in Gvt/GLC/GIC companies, HAHA! Interesting that we spent two years attending the same lectures together but now our fields are diverse.

And below, most historical pic ever. Taken during JC1.

Haha, those innocently young times. But JC wasn't very fun for me. Very hectic lectures after lectures, tutorials, mass PE sessions... AND NOT TO MENTION CHEM PRACTICALS!!! %!@#$!@


I hope to maintain friendships with these groups of friends for many many decades to come :)

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