Monday, March 22, 2010

retrieve my footsteps at sunplaza park

One of my favourite haunt outs, is Sunplaza Park.

It is located in one corner of Tampines. I especially love to visit it in the afternoon when the sun is bright and high. But the foliage of the huge trees that line both sides of the walking path provides a wide canopy of shelter. The breeze is a steady flow of comfort, I even hear the birds chirping restlessly. The red ants are at their usual business. I love strolling in Sunplaza Park because of its peacefulness, tranquility, and most importantly, the beautiful memories that brings my heart warmth.

I need to remind myself more often to be contented with what I have. And learn to appreciate. More.

Taken from my home:

I love how the rays of the setting sun light up the sky into a fiery orange.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Don't let the sun go down on me

Don't let the sun go down on me
Although i search myself, it's always someone else i see
I'd just allow a fragment of your life to wander free
But losing everything is like the sun going down on me

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Yet another CORAL OG meet up!

I think it is the first time in 3 or 4 years since we had a turnout of FULL ATTENDANCE!!!

We started off as newbies, freshies, strangers on 8th January 2001 at TJC. We started off our friendship in the same Orientation Group - CORAL. Our OGLs were fun, spontaneous and a great bunch. The OGMs were also a fun bunch. I still have a few vivid memories of the first week of JC1.

We played team games, cheered our lungs out for the colourful streakers, made fun of our OGL 小胖, during the carnival we also had our own food stall selling home-made stuffs, and on the last day we spent the night at Changi Airport, dodging the burly security guards who tried to chase us away. HAHA.

A Friendship was formed.

9 years later, the Friendship sails strong. Alot of credit to everyone who always made time out to meet up and catch up, especially to Chuantian who organised most of the outings!

Now everyone has their own footing in their jobs, I find it so amazing the diversity of industries we are in, when we all started off taking almost the same subject combinations in JC. HAHA.

Yesterday we talked about marriage, buying of houses, jobs, and a HEN PARTY for Jiahui who is getting married in November! HAHA. I look forward to meeting this fun bunch again. =)
I wanna want to speak good English! =)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Yesterday I met up with some of my ME frens - Frankenstein Fab, Irritating Ivan, Ludicrous Lippie and Jx. We had dinner at Parkway. When I stepped in, I felt a whiff of nostalgia, like WOAH~~ how long haven't I stepped into this place!? I remember frequenting this place with my family when we were young, haha the Toys'R'us if you all recall?! Now the place has revamped so much, the only familiarities I spotted were the arrangement of the escalators and the Jack's Place, HAHAHAHA.

By Lip's recommendation, we also had SCOOPZ ice cream at the basement. It was so popular the queue was omnipresent! 1 scoop goes for $2.90 while you only need to top up $1.30 for a double scoop. I ordered a double of chocolate and jackfruit. WAH the jackfruit was excellent leh! Really had sizeable chunks of real fruit in the ice cream! And the texture was really unique too - not those creamy kind, and fragrant. I heard all their fruit flavours are really decent. Will try it again the next time I'm there haha!

After that we dropped by Lip's tuition centre. Glad to know he is doing so well. The place is nicely done up, down to the nitty gritty details. While we were there, I asked to sample a few of his Maths questions, and oh man, did I regret that! We left the place an hour later, demoralized, lol. Anyway, him being Lippie, always confident and far-sighted, can always trust him that he'll be successful at whatever he does. All the best for your Formuless! =)


Recently I've also been thinking about money! Money money money - How much per month do you think a family of 3 (couple + new born baby) needs in order to support a comfortable life? Taking into account housing loans, milk powder, insurance premiums, car loans, savings for future education purposes, $5k just meets the threshold. Haven't included holidays, cny red packets, medical bills... oh crap.

Besides working day in day out for a steady salary, I hope to try out at investments, some passive income (however minimal it could be)... recently just opened a POEMS trading account, but suddenly pondering if I'm that daring enough to play stocks. Haha. Not that I have sufficient cash anyway, haha! On another side note, although we always hear ppl advise the way to be rich is to make money work for you and not the other way round, sometimes it's not too bad to be 脚踏实地, stay risk averse, and just simply be contented with a stable and genuine life.

Friday, March 12, 2010

random pic

Taken at Bodyworlds @ Science Centre.

I must say I was pretty fascinated with the other exhibits at Science Centre! It has changed alot since sec sch days!!! Haha, my most vivid memory of the Science Centre then was the simulator and the mirror maze!!!

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

the cult

It's an exaggeration but not too big a one - but I really do feel that the whole world, except my family and myself, owns an iPhone.

Monday, March 01, 2010

Philly's Cheese Steak

For lunch today, we went for Swensens 1-1 lunch treats. I ordered their Cheese Steak.

It reminded me of the Philly's Cheese Steak I had at New York City. This modest looking road side stall had no less than fifteen people crowding around it, who were eagerly waiting for their food to be prepared by the friendly chefs on their hot plate, fresh and sizzling hot.

The burger didn't look exactly relishing, but looks are indeed deceiving. The first bite made us fall madly in love with it. First you experience the burst of a mixture of flavours, that include the specially concocted gravy filling every corner of your mouth; then you sink your teeth into the juicy and tender meat, before tasting the capsicums and fried onion that add a fantastic crunch and sweetness. Not forgetting the moist mushrooms and fragrant cheese that totally leave you wanting for more.

One of my life wishes is to go back USA again, and revisit all the places where I left my footprints and laughter and created these nice, heartwarming memories. =)

YE at school