Monday, December 03, 2012

Interesting Facts of Macau

Picked these up from a few locals:

1) Locals do not know names of the streets well. When required to give directions, the locals will mention landmarks or some generic directions - they will eventually locate it themselves.

2) The government restricts their local to foreign labour ratio to 1:1. Yes, 1:1 regardless of industry. To every foreign worker you hire, you need to employ a Macau citizen first.

3) Their local cuisine is called Mecanese. It is a fusion of Portugese and Chinese.

4) The number of foreigners stands at 20% of their total population. Which is very similar to Singapore.

5) The entire Cotai area is reclaimed. Cotai Strip is where you find the newer developments such as the mega hotel-casinos like Venetian, City of Dreams, Galaxy.

6) It can drop as low as 5 deg C during winter, but the temperature mostly hovers around 10-ish.

7) You can earn more with a 'O' level cert as compared to a Uni grad - if you work as a croupier, that is. It has thus caused a societal problem amongst the youths, who will be motivated to study hard?

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