Thursday, February 21, 2013

2012 - The year the world didn't end

All the hype about 20-12-2012 that the world would end - nope, unfortunately it didn't happen, many friends on fb were clearly disappointed haha. When they woke up to bright daylight, some hopelessly anticipated for US region's timezone. On of my friends hoped that if the end was really happening, at least allow her to finish her buffet first. LOL. Ok, so unlike what the movie 2012 depicted, the Aztec's were finally proven unfounded and here we are, 2 months into the new year.

A recap of my resolutions for 2012:

With no projection of major events, I think 2012 will be almost similar to 2011. Work will still be work. The Club will still be hanging out as usual. Here's hoping for 2012:

  • New Zealand road-trip cum skydiving WOOHOO!!!
  • Hong Kong with family in June (tentative)
  • KL for cousin's wedding in Dec
  • Squeeze in a Bangkok trip somewhere
  • And a beachy place (Langkawi/Bali/Krabi/Boracay????!)
  • Smooth-going at work, with fulfilment and enjoyment
  • Stock prices to go UPPPPPPPP
  • Minimal public transport breakdown
  • Good health and wealth, haha
  • A rose???
Personal goals:
  • Join acapella society as a CCA 
  • Further studies. Take GMAT? Ha
  • Maintain Silver standard for IPPT
  • Be more patient when explaining/communicating
  • A more chiselled-look on my face -____- 

Pretty much fulfilling 2012, I think I accomplished most of the above.


Signed myself up for Class 4A vehicle licence. Attended only 5 lessons (about 10 hours?) of practical and went ahead with the TP test. Passed with flying colours. Yay! It's actually quite fun driving a long vehicle, gotta keep a close watch on the cornering and blind spots, and turning the steering wheel is quite a skill.


February arguably marks the most significant time of the year, being the day I found myself a very nice, understanding and patient girl. :):):) The rest of the year saw us spending many weekends together, going places, and having lotsa fun with my buddies watching footy, triple dates to Flowery Dome and such. Awesome moresome :D

The same day was also the official day I took over as Acting Mgr in charge of all 3 workshops. Tough times ahead. Very tough. I think real acting would have been easier. For a few months I was doing 2 positions at the same time, so effectively I had to act upon instructions that I passed down... then audit came and burnt my ass. Ha, really FML.

In mid Feb, it was my honour to be a 'brother' at my colleague's wedding. It's actually my first, and heng the gatecrash was considerably mild.

March - June

Gainfully employed. Spent loooooong hours at work, most of the time by myself facing the computer.


TRIP OF MY LIFETIME - Hobbiton, South Island, New Zealand.

I would love to show the world the pictures we took, but 1) every shot is an insanely beautiful one and 2) pictures don't do the scenery enough justice. So I'll just pick one group pic, taken at Lake Tekapo the prettiest lake of all, of us posing a 'roy'.

If you only have 14 days left, visit New Zealand, and die a happy person. Lol.

The loooooooong hours at work paid off finally, I was promoted to Mgr. However, the pay wasn't awesome, and the hours were still long and stressful. Incidents were taking place one after another like wild fire, not to our control. There was hardly a day of relief I could sit down and do emails/plan. Thankfully, an experienced Snr Mgr was roped in and my big boss coined his welcome "like Man U buying Van Persie". That's quite apt and funny haha.


I decided enough was enough of my daily life spent at work, I took leave and went on a short trip up north with my parents and girlfriend.

Love Cameron Highlands for the tranquil environment and greenery, it would be a heavenly pleasure to sip tea whilst looking out into the green hills neatly stacked with tea bushes, breathing cool fresh oxygen. Would try that the next time I go.

Also popped by Ipoh for a night and gorged ourselves with divine local food like ngah choy gai (bean sprouts chicken), salt baked chicken, assam laksa and prawn mee.


Surprised my girlfriend with front row seats at a musical, Avenue Q. I enjoyed the catchy songs and thought the cast did a brilliant job at acting out each character distinctively like the slut, the gay.


After all the envy at my peers going overseas for work (Germany, Paris, Tokyo, USA etc....), lucky me was selected to be in a Committee, and that allowed me to head to Macau, HK and Zhuhai for a few days. I wouldn't say I enjoyed it totally, that's what everyone says of overseas work trips, but the weather and the accomodation was fantastic! And to top it, I think I gained alot from the exposure and experience.


15th December, a surprise of my life! Girlfriend and buddies put together a really well-planned and loophole-less birthday surprise for me. I asked for A surprise, but I received much more than I wished for. Feel blessed to have them in my life. :)

Over Christmas period, my family and I headed to KL to attend my cousin's wedding.

It's the first time after more than a decade the extended family gathered at the same place at the same time, and we cousins truly enjoyed the time together... the shopping, food, dressing up and taking photos, the self-made music videos... Haha.


Personal goals:
  • Join acapella society as a CCA                  
ACTUAL - I went for a trial session with Singapore Acapella Society. I passed the audition and joined them for one practice. However, I was quite put off by the fact that I can't read tou gay (musical notes), the genre of songs and the rigidity of the choir. I was looking for something more casual and expressive... such as pop songs, snapping of fingers, singing in harmony. Hmm. Still, I'll take my goal as accomplished.

  • Further studies. Take GMAT? Ha
ACTUAL - Failed to accomplish. Anyway, decided I don't have the energy/time/commitment to do part time studies. Case closed.

  • Maintain Silver standard for IPPT

  • Be more patient when explaining/communicating
ACTUAL - Maybe.

  • A more chiselled-look on my face -____- 
ACTUAL  - Picture for your own judgement:

HAHAHA, it's actually the camera angle. My face has stubbornly refused to revert to the pre-2009 state and I have accepted the cruel fate. However, girlfriend taught me a daily routine that firms up the face... hmm and I think it does work to some extent! At least, close friends and cousins have passed the comment. So am still doing it diligently now :P


Expected exciting events for 2013!
  • Tokyo with buddies in April
  • Taiwan trip with family in June 
  • Mt Ophir in August (?)
  • Short trip with girlfriend??
  • ........
  • ........... HUH, NOTHING LIAO?!?!? :(

I believe one should always seek self-improvement. Resolutions for myself:
  • Increase my monthly financial input
  • Read a book? (LOL prease, don't kid myself)
  • Maintain Silver for IPPT (though I also got Silver last year, I consider an improvement because it is not easy to maintain the same standard with age! True story.)
  • Donate blood twice
  • Paint
  • I also want to pick up a new skill.

AND I THINK IF I HUAT THE $10M TOTO TOMORROW.... it'd be an entirely different year :D

Wishing you a healthy and properous 2013!


Author's note: Finally done with the review! phewwwwwwww.

1 comment:

  1. really cool that you've accomplished items in ur to-do list, and you've sticked to updating your blog!

    I wish I have the same perseverance :P


What a boring Friday night at home.